Do y'all know what a 7 Clown Circus is? If you've ever read Angie's blog, you do. If not, then seriously...why aren't you reading her blog?
Over a year ago I "met" Angie and she quickly became one of my most favorite bloggers in the world. Then we became friends and my life has been all the better since knowing her. Angie is beautiful...her husband is beautiful...her 17 children are beautiful. (OK, not really 17...just five. "Just" five, I say. Two of 'em are twins. Angie is my hero.) And I covet her glorious red hair. More than anything, Angie has a beautiful heart. She is also ultra-chic and stylish, as evidenced by her post below. Read on...
I've been thinking lately.
Don't worry. It's not that shocking. I think sometimes.
I've been wondering what makes people wear the same style of clothing for decades.
First, I wonder how they even find the same styles in the stores, because clearly, some of the pieces are not as old as they are outdated.
Secondly, why do they continue to wear outdated items? Is it because they are more comfortable than newer styles? Do they truly LIKE what they are wearing? Does that older style define them in a way newer styles don't? Could it possibly be that they just don't care about what they wear and just go for what they know?
I ponder these questions. Yes. I do.
Let me give you two examples. Let's talk jeans first. I know a few women who wear elastic waisted jeans. They aren't the most stylish (at all), but I can see that they are probably comfortable. I wouldn't know. I wore elastic waisted jeans when I was pregnant and I can't say they were comfortable. But. That's the only reason I can come up with for wearing elastic waisted jeans.
Next, high waisted jeans that really ARE 20 years old. The ones that actually come to your "natural waist line", or your belly button. It could be that they are comfortable, but I doubt it because it usually looks like the jeans are biting into their middle section. It could be that they want to accentuate their pear shaped body (why does everyone have a pear shaped body that wears high waisted jeans?).....because that's what it looks like to me, but I figure it MUST be that they used to wear that type of jean in their heyday. It has to be that they feel like high waisted jeans define them, right?
And don't even get me started on Christmas sweaters/blouses. Tell me it's all nostalgia for those days when wearing Christmas sweaters with Santa Clauses and gold trim was in. Wait. Was that ever in?
Speaking of blouses.......did that word for shirt go out of style with banana clips?
I've moved a lot and been pregnant and then not A LOT and so I've purged lots of clothing. I can honestly say that most of my clothing has been purchased in this decade.
I'm just saying. I'm young (OK, OK. I like to think I'm young). I'm hip. And, I've been thinking. And looking. How about a little giveaway? Simply follow the rules outlined below for the chance to win this cache of goodness.
*ONE pair of lovingly worn polyester culottes.
*TWO puffy painted sweat shirts. These are in near perfect condition. Artfully designed by my fourth grade self.
*THREE incredibly bedazzled T-shirts. With shoulder pads.
*FOUR pairs of leg warmers, AND a pair of moon boots, size 7.5.
Rules of the Game.
Come visit me on my
home front.Come back and tell me what fashion piece you can't live without.
Follow me on
Twitter.Blog about this incredible contest, but be sure to let me know about it so you can get extra entries.
And lastly, good luck. I have a feeling this is going to be a very popular giveaway, so you'll need it. Contest ends September 1st and winner will be notified via singing messenger.

Lula, would you mind taking the giveaway part out of my post? I've decided that I can't part with the items listed above. I just realized that I need something to wear to
SITScation that will knock their socks off. Since I'm on the panel and all.