Thursday, April 8, 2010

Doctor Decade.

'Member when we were dating and we used to talk about our love of southern names and southern homes with columns and front porches, and sweet tea and Coke in a bottle?

'Member when we got first married and dreamed that one day we'd have children with family (read: southern!) names, and live in a house with a wide front porch and columns, and drink Coke in a bottle while sitting in a rocking chair, watching those southern children playing in the yard?

'Member how we did just that? Just this past weekend?

Fifty years from now, I pray we're still on our front porch...watching our children play in the yard. With our grandchildren. And plenty of Coke in a bottle.


Heather said...

Ten years is such an accomplishment!

How blessed you are to have each other, and your gorgeous girls, and your beautiful home!

And Amen to Coke in a bottle! (Where on earth did you find it? A real glass bottle?! Haven't had one of those in years!)

Happy anniversary, Lula and Scott! Here's to many more decades, and watching babies play on the lawn!

(All you need is some peacocks and mint juleps, and you'll be set!)

Heather said...

ps. I adore this picture of the two of you. So young and happy and full of hope. And just plain gorgeous.

Love it.

Love you.

MrsKowski said...

So sweet and beautiful Lula. Happy Anniversary to both of you :)

CaraBee said...

You look so beautiful in that picture! Scott's not hard on the eyes, either. :)

You are both so lucky. Don't you love it when your dreams come true?

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

Happy Anniversary! have a great one!

Elena said...

LOVE that picture! "Ya'll" look gorgeous! Have a wonderful next 50 years!

Ash Att said...

that is SUCH A CUTE PICTURE!! love the post :)

kelly anne said...

congratulations! you guys look so cute!

Shannon said...

I've got an ice-cold "Co-Cola" right here beside me.

Alas, the bottle is plastic.

But, still. I'm raising my Coke to toast y'all! Congrats on 10 years of wedded bliss together! Here's to many, many more!


Summer said...

congrats girlee!!! 10 years is something to be proud of!!

Caroline said...

Quite an accomplishment - 10 years! Happy Anniversary Lula!

scargosun said...

That is one of the greatest things I have read today. I am going to come up with my porch moment and make sure that DH makes it happen in 3 years. ;)

Jackie said...

That is such a great picture of y'all. Happiest of anniversaries to ya.

Gina said...

Didn't you just have one of these, like, a year ago?

Lisa said...

This made me cry. Not because your dreams are my dreams, but because I'm looking for someone to dream with. Congratulations, lovely Lula, and to your lucky spouse, too. Many more.

Jen said...

Aw, happy anniversary.

Vanessa said...

This is adorable. Happy 10 years!!

Sissy said...

Could you be any cuter in the photo, Lula!? Congrats on 10 years and two babies! Can't wait to see what the next 10 bring you!

Lauren said...

Love love this! Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

there will be jack with that coke, right?

Claremont First Ward said...

Happy Anniversary. A decade is huge. Jeff and I went to Mexico for our big decade celebration.......perhaps great minds think alike? :)

I ADORE this photo. Adore it.

Tony C said...

What a blessing!

Happy Anniversary to my favorite couple that I've never met. I learn so much stuff in Lulaville! for Coke in a bottle.

Pinky Roth said...


I am so glad that you found one another and hope you have 50+ more years together. Your dad and I will be celebrating our 40th this year, can you believe it? We have three beautiful grandchildren...


Mom said...

I was with you when you went and tried that dress on!!! crazy. love this picture. . love you.x

Bethany said...

So sweet! I have lived in Alabama my whole life, so I am very into Southern heritage as well.