One night when we were 18, my high school best friend and I were getting ready to go out for the evening. I can't remember what I was wearing, but I thought I was looking pretty dang cute...till she turned to me and remarked, " can't accessorize for crap."
I should've prefaced this by saying that my best friend was/is gorgeous. She was the freakin' homecoming queen! (And eventually my matron of honor.) Lauren (not her real name--and now the Warner Robins peeps are smiling!) probably thought she was doing me a favor, in her own, brusque manner. But that comment has haunted me for almost seventeen years.
I cannot accessorize for crap.
To this day I never feel "put together." Sassy. Decked out. Dressed to the nines. No matter how hard I try, I'm just not cute. And I still hear Lauren's voice in my head, confirming my lack of fashion success.
So when I first laid eyes on sweet
Summer at
Sitscation last month, I audibly gasped. Summer was wearing the most fabulous white dress and I instantly hated her. "I cannot be friends with someone so chic," I thought to myself. Who can live up to such perfection? Not me.
I love when God proves me wrong. Because not only did I fall in love with Summer and her blog,
Le Musings of Moi, I found out she is a kindred spirit. A soul sister, in more ways than one. day I'm gonna be famous. And Summer is going to be my stylist. And we're gonna travel to France and Atlanta and London and just be the sassiest girls in the world. I'll feel sassy, too--because I will have been styled to perfection by Summer. Sigh...I long for that day.
Until then, I begged Summer to let me pick her brain for nuggets of stylish wisdom. I also asked for pictures of her fabulous self, so that I could share this wisdom with y'all. Because that's how much I love her--and that's how much I love each of you!
Please enjoy Summer, soon-to-be a ridiculously famous stylist. For me. When I'm rich. Ahem. (She's also funny as all get out, to boot!)
Lula: Define your style for me...
Summer: I have somewhat of a feminine style, but always with a bit of edge and funk. Comfort is big for me, too, so I'm not into the trends that don't make me feel comfortable. How 'bout we go with "sweet-n-sassy chic?" I think that has always been my adult style. Not adult as know..."bomp chicka bow wow." Adult as in the age of 18. Just making things clear.
L: Since your style is a mixture--sweet & funky--how do you incorporate bits from each into one cohesive look?
S: I would pair a feminine dress with leather boots. Or leather and lace together. I try to be sure that one thing about my outfit is something that stands out...something sassy! Such as a statement ring, chunky necklace, lots of chains (shout out to Mr. T!), a flower clip for my hair, bold colors, or a dramatic pattern.
L: Do you believe the ability to accessorize is something one either has or does not have? Can it be learned? Please say I can learn this, as I've been haunted by my non-sassiness for 17 years!
S: I definitely think you can learn anything when it comes to fashion! And to anybody who says otherwise...obviously, they know nothing about style! A good way to learn about accessorizing is to pay attention to your favorite shows, magazines, and celebs. And obviously I don't mean Rock of Love, Star Magazine, or Britney Spears! Come on girls, use your judgement! And remember, everyone has their own personal style. Find out what you love and wear it with confidence.
L: What are your favorite, basic wardrobe staples?
S: Boots and white Hanes tank tops! Seriously, I wear boots all year round--I don't care what the fashion police say! And white Hanes tanks go with everything! I wear them under girly dresses if I want to tone them down a bit...under sweaters, under button-ups...even to bed! Must. Have. My. Hanes!
Last thing that is a must in my closet? Tunics. Lots and lots of tunics. I always feel cute in a tunic paired with jeans or pants.
L: What items should every woman own--regardless of age or body type?
S: Anything that makes you feel amazing! Honestly, we all have to have at least one item that just makes us looks and feel fabulous. It could be a pair of jeans that make your bootie look just right. A pair of heels that make your legs longer than life. A necklace that adds flair to everything you own. Or even an incredible handbag that shows off your style, even when you're venturing out in sweats. (I use that last one A LOT!)
L: What are your favorite stores? Favorite place to save? Splurge?
S: For good deals I love thrift stores and Target. But because I like to have stuff that won't be seen on everyone I walk by on the street, I've been shopping less and less at Target--for my sassy pieces, that is.
This may seem crazy, but I hate splurging! To me, especially after thrifting, Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe both seem like quite a splurge! Although...for Mother's Day last year, my husband gave me my first pair of Louboutins. If I ever save my spending money long enough, I could totally see myself splurging on another pair of those. Mmmmmmm, baby...come to Mama!

See why I just love her? And why I want her to take me from frump to fabulous? I also want her legs, but that's another post for another time...
Thanks, Summer--I'm so glad I decided not to hate you. And you know I say that with all the love in my heart.
Oh yes...wanna know the winner of the fantastic clutch and iPod pouch? Sure you do.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-11-06 12:04:09 UTC
Number 29 is...SUNSHINE! (Her blog is private, so I can't link her!) Congrats, Sun...I'll get your goodies to you right away!
(My favorite friend, Lauren, has featured stylish friends on her blog...and that's where I got the idea for this post. So thanks, Lauren. I'll never be as sassy as you.)