Receiving mail is the highlight of my day during the month of December. I know, it takes so little to keep me happy. Opening Christmas cards from friends near and far is like opening a tiny present from each family the card represents. 80% of the cards we receive are photos, and if we're super lucky, the card will contain a newsy "our year in review" letter.
I love these letters.
I especially love the letters from Perfect Families.* You know, the ones where we read that Bill received a substantial raise, Mary was named Hottest Housewife in the Tri-County Area, Billy was nominated for the Heisman, and Sally was not only valedictorian, but also prom queen, class president, and 1st runner up to Junior Miss North Carolina. (Hey, can't win 'em all, Sally.)
Every year I ponder sending out a "Litton Family Newsletter 2009" with our Christmas cards. I mean, I'd love to brag share our family's accomplishments:
*Litton Family Medicine was named local business of the year by the Chamber of Commerce, and continues to grow daily.
*Leigh Anne was invited to speak at a blog conference in Las Vegas.
*Libbey made the All-A Honor Roll for the second year in a row.
*Caroline memorized 20 Bible verses this Fall.
How boring! And really...who cares?
Maybe this family cares:

Who can attain such cheesy perfection?
Wouldn't it be far more intriguing if, unlike The Perfect Family, our "Litton Family Newsletter 2009" was brutally honest?
How would it be received if I were to mail the real dope deal to our family and friends? You know, stuff such as...
*Our town's beloved pediatrician relocated to another part of Virginia, hence the reason Litton Family Medicine continues to grow. ("Well, if my kid can't see Dr. Ahsan, might as well go to that Dr. Litton, since I don't wanna drive to Kingsport, TN.")
*Leigh Anne was invited to speak at the blog conference because said event was being run by two of her best friends. Nepotism at its finest, y'all!
*Libbey made her first "B" this year--on a Math test. We fully fussed at her, which, in turn, made her cry for an hour. We make "A's" in this family, ya hear? No "B's" shall be tolerated! (Parents of the year. Yep, that's us. She's 7, by the way. We've since asked her forgiveness.)
*Caroline will only say her Bible verses while in Awana. After being bribed with lollipops and juice boxes. And who can blame her? Reciting God's Word is hard work for a 4 year old.
This is real.

Libbey's 1st Christmas, 2002
I'd also love to include even more personal tidbits such as:
*Scott plays way too much Xbox Live with Robbie, our brother-in-law.
*Leigh Anne gained weight, despite having a home gym equipped with an elliptical machine, treadmill, and Bowflex. Apparently one has to use the gym in order to see results. Gotcha.
*Libbey's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder seems to grow stronger with each passing year. Any hope for her to inherit the laidback "Roth genes" is fading fast. She's pure Litton.
*Caroline's strong-willed nature continues to drive our family closer to Jesus. We pray a lot. So that we don't kill her.
*2009 found the Litton family journeying on fun and educational field trips, to places such as Mt. Airy, NC, (where "Mayberry" is brought to life, because The Andy Griffith Show is beloved by Scott and the girls), and Hilton Head Island, SC, where we taught our daughters to appreciate a sunny day and the She-Crab soup at Charley's Crab.
Even more highlights:
*Allowed the television to babysit our daughters while we cleaned (and by "we," I clearly mean Leigh Anne), or napped (Scott).
*Pawned our children off on Nanna & Poppy or "Papaw" Bill & "Memaw" Kim Cress so that we could have regular date nights. A meal, Starbucks, and frequent trips to Target our vital to our marriage.
*Fed our girls a nutritious supper of Honey Nut Cheerios more than once. Or Twice. A month.
*Took naps, drank peanut butter milkshakes, watched Andy Griffith 9342 times, baked cookies, and listened to Lady Gaga, all with our daughters, in the name of Litton Family Togetherness.
*Oh, and we also traveled to Austin and Las Vegas. Without our children. 'Cause it's not all about them.
I'll say it's not all about our children.
Christmas 2006...we were all over the picture-taking by this point.
We may not be the perfect family, but we follow a perfect Savior. And, as Linus so succinctly put it, "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown." Indeed. Now that's the real dope deal.
Merry Christmas from the imperfect Littons!!!
*If you've sent me a "newsletter" this Christmas, please know I am NOT referencing you with this post. The families of which I speak do not read my blog. And if they do...then...rock on! I'm just keeping it real.