When I am 62 I will travel with my friends, just because.
When I'm 62 I will spend an entire day getting lost in a good book.
If, when I am 62, Libbey calls to ask if I'll send her a couple of jars of
Blue Plate, I'll have those sacred jars in the mail that very day.
(Because we only eat Blue Plate in this seriously southern family! And if you don't know what Blue Plate is...we'll you're not from the deep south!)When I am 62 I will make gorgeous handmade cards for my grandchildren, instead of buying them at Walmart.
If, when I am 62, Caroline becomes the mother of a daughter, I will pass down to her the newborn gowns worn by her grandmother, her mother, and Caroline herself.
When I am 62 I will spend the night in the hospital room of a frightened friend, so that she is not alone.
If, when I am 62, my husband desires to take a road trip on the motorcycle, I'll gladly play along...even though I'd rather go by convertible!
When I am 62 I will build sandcastles on the beach with my children and grandchildren, rather that sit under an umbrella.
If, when I am 62, my daughters ask me to stay with them after they've given birth and/or endured major surgery, I will be at their sides for as long as they'll have me.
If, when I am 62, Libbey or Caroline longs to take a Caribbean cruise with two of her
favorite girlfriends, I'll happily keep their children so they can vacation guilt and stress-free.
When I am 62 I will take my grandchildren for visits to Mississippi and Louisiana, for that's where our heritage begins.
When I am 62 I will insist that my daughters watch every season of
Moonlighting and Designing Women. They just don't make good programming like they used to.
If, when I am 62, Libbey begs me to see Keith Urban in concert with her, "Just one more time!" I'll happily go. That is, if Keith is still performing live when I'm 62. He'll be 69.
(That's what she said.)
If, when I am 62, my children and grandchildren beg me to plummet down an enormous, inflatable slide, I will do it.
I hope my kids will take a picture of me, too. Just like this one.
When I am 62 I pray that I'm exactly like my mother, Mary Elizabeth Raley Roth, better known as "Pinky" and "Mamaw Pinky." (Yes, that's her in the picture above, taken November 2008.)
Happy 62nd birthday, (a day late!) Mama! Thanks for being my best friend, and the best grandmother and mother-in-law in the world. We all love you very much. And the girls can't wait to see you slide again in a couple of weeks!
p.s. I'm so honored to be flapping my big mouth over at Angie's today! Head on over to Seven Clown Circus to read about my close encounter with a very famous southern lady whom I now like to regard as my close, personal friend.