...knowing you can always count on me...for sure...that's what friends are fooooooor!
You will now be singing this cheesetastic bit of greatness for the rest of the day. Oh Dionne...Stevie...Elton...and Gladys Midnight Train to Georgia Knight...what a memorable collaboration ye have wrought.
Yes, there is a reason I'm quoting fluff from the 80's. Because last night I was having a "What Not To Wear" moment. I think. I've never seen that show, but I understand the premise behind it.
Anyway, I have this thing to attend and it's kinda at a hip location. And I don't want to roll up in the MomVan, sporting some mom jeans, wearing a pair of Clark's and a t-shirt from the softer side of Sears. Even though that sounds really comfortable right about now.
I digress.
No, for this thing I must have some semblance of fashion...a modicum of hipness. I need to appear semi-trendy without trying to come across as one of those annoying thirty-somethings who refuse to accept the fact that they are, indeed, thirty-something. I have long relinquished my twenties as a dream that once was. Heck, we all know that 34 is the new 21, anyway. Ahem.
And this is where I keep smiling...keep shining...
because I can ring my sweet friend, Kelli, and leave a breathless message on voicemail that goes a little something like this:
"Oh my stars, please come over here and help me get my act together so I can look "DID!" and not frumpy, and be my barometer of all things sassy and fabulous."
Because Kelli is twenty-something. And very fashionable and fun and fantastic and all those other "f" words. Well, except that one "f" word.
What does Kelli instantly do for me? (Other than phone while I'm in church...in the midst of a dead silence. Her ring tone is The Black Eyed Peas. Yes, the church peeps loved hearing, "I got that boom boom pow..." in the middle of the service. Word.) She shows up at my house. And gets to work. I so love her.
Here's Kelli trying on my shoes. They're yellow. And so sassy, no?
She said the shoes are "a definite." Yay!

We then bypass fashion for a good hour and discuss music instead.
Because, you know, priorities.
We're both kinda sad we missed
Bonnaroo this year. Sigh...

Getting back on fashion track, we peruse the accessories aisle...
...and by peruse, I mean Kelli tries on some of my hipster hoops.
And then tells me not to wear them. Okey-dokey, then.

After all this Sunday night mayhem, I believe I just might be prepared for the little shindig I have to attend later on this evening. Of course I'll blog about it. And maybe post a picture of me wearing my sassy yellow shoes. We'll see.
Thanks, my dear KelliOtt. You are a true friend. I know of few other gals who, even though completely knackered, would drive the entire 2 minutes it takes to get from your house to mine. Especially after spending the weekend in Nashville with your fiance's awesome band. Hanging with famous musicians. Making money. Preparing for stardom. You know, just doing your usual thing.
"For good times, and bad times, I'll be on your side forevermoooooooore..."
Yes, that's what friends are for.