I'm 35 years old. But right now I feel as if I am 5 years old, as I'm bouncing from one foot to the other...because it's December 8 and I've been anticipating this day for quite some time.
When Scott and I were dating, the fourth movie in the Star Wars franchise was released and we saw The Phantom Menace on opening day. The lights dimmed, the theater became eerily quiet in anticipation...and moments before the film started, some dude ran down the aisle singing, at the top of his lungs, "Star Wars, Star Wars, we've waited a million years for a new Star Wars!" His fellow nerds--me and Scott included--burst into laughter and applause.
I feel exactly the same today. I may or may not be running around the house, singing, "December 8, December 8, I've been waiting so long for December 8!!!"
"Why?" you may be asking. Are you asking? 'Cause...duh, I'm so gonna tell y'all the reason behind my glee...
Speaking of Glee...
The Music of Glee, Volume 2.
It's only my favorite new show of 2009.
Volume 1 is amazing.
Volume 2 releases December 8.
You should really own both.

I saw this with my friend, Lacey, at midnight on July 15, 2009...
I will view it again (and again!) on December 8, 2009,
after it arrives on my doorstep.
Simply brilliant...simply devastating...

(I still love Snape. I don't care what any of you say.)
My love of angsty rock runs deep.
That's what she said.
My love of this band
runs even deeper.
That's what she said.

We 30 Seconds to Mars fans
have been waiting over 4 years for a new album.
Thank you, Jared Leto & company, for finally delivering.
(In other news, I fully believe Jared Leto is a vampire.*)
No words are necessary.

I love you.
My words are not necessary, but the great Entertainment Weekly
just named Lost as the #5 greatest "item" of the decade:
"Plane crash. Smoke monster. Polar bear. Crazy French lady.
The Others. The hatch. The Dharma Initiative. Time-travel flashes.
Name another network drama that can so wondrously
turn a ? into a !"
What are you looking forward to this week? Please share...
*Tell me Jared Leto's not a vampire.

This week is full of lots of tests seeing as it is finals... BUT i am looking forward to friday afternoon. When I will be heading home. And my tests will be over.
ALSO! On Saturday I will be seeing The Princess and The Frog which I am SUPER excited about. *i am ridiculously in love with anything disney.*
oh and i full heartedly agree about glee! I'm so excited for album two. But I'm sad that the season is ending this week. :(
I have been watching Harry Potter movies all weekend in anticipation for tomorrow. Except that I think I won't rush out and buy it so that my husband can sneak it in my stocking for Christmas. Gotta give the boy a chance, right?
This summer when we were in NYC we stopped in at FAO Schwartz, which has a Harry Potter section of the store. I bought a gryffindor scarf and hat set, and now it is finally cold enough to wear it and the kids at school are eating it up!
Clearly the entertainment industry has your number, if they are releasing all of these Lula-beloved things on the same day...
I am SO getting the Glee 2 soundtrack. We croon often to Glee 1 (it got me through that insane traffic jam in Tennessee, dontcha know?).
Do you know what night Lost will be on this year? I have to make my work schedule accordingly!
Hope you had a great birthday weekend!
Happy Birthday!
It's funny, but I saw a picture of Jared Leto where he looked decidedly NON vampish. I think he was wearing plaid. Very Jordan Catalano.
In other news, I haven't yet seen Order Of The Phoenix. It's on my to-do list.
Im looking forward to the weekend. =) We get a weekend away in a hotel without the kids!!!
Not looking forward to this week and working my butt off to lose the birthday weight I gained last week. Only to gain it back on the weekend away.
Being a chick is so fab.
Love ya lady love!
Happy Belated Birthday. It popped up on my calendar, just 3 days too late!!!! And clearly, you have many things to celebrate with.
Today is our 7th wedding anniversary. 7 on the 7th so that's what my week is about!
Enjoy all the goodies!!!!!
Glee is definitely on my "to get" list! I've worn the 1st one out already.
Believe it or not we have a really boring week ahead of us. No school activities, no darts, nothing until Sunday when we have a Christmas shindig to go to.
And you know what? I'm looking forward to the unplanned week. ;]
Happy Birthday!!! I, too, am anxiously awaiting Glee part 2! I've got the harmony part to Defying Gravity down pat!
Goodness, it is Christmas, isn't it?! I had no idea the amount of incredible things happening on the 8th.
The only thing I must disagree on is that Harry+Ginny does NOT =love for me. I won't go into all the issues I have with it because to each their own. But no love there for me. I love the rest of that movie though, and definitely still love Snape. I was one of the few who put down Book 6 and immediately said "Whatever, something is obviously up, he is SO not evil." And, of course, I was right. ;)
Happy Christmas Eve, Lula!
Wow! This is a good week for you.
*frustrated sigh* Of course it comes out on DVD tomorrow, BUT, at 3 point for new releases, it will totally eat up all my points at Hollywood Video- and then I won't be able to watch ANYTHING else...I may have to wait until it is off the new release shelf...
Your still young, Lula - trust me. 35 is young and spry and sweet and wonderful.
Happy Birthday to you sweetie!
We love Lost.
That is all.
Ok, that's not all...
Happy Birthday, Lula!!!
I love Glee. I love Lost. I love Harry Potter. Who knew all that goodness was coming out on the SAME day! I am sure they actually meant to have it be your birthday, but they had some sort of glitch and pushed it back to the 8th. Those corporate types are so disorganized.
This week? I just can't wait for finals to be over. However now I am truly excited for numbers one and two on your list! HOw excellent
I am excited for my Grandpa's Christmas this weekend at my moms. I am excited for all the packages that are coming in the mail from online stores so I can wrap Christmas presents. I am excited for the blizzard we will be having over the next 48 hours. I am excited about Harry Potter too! Snape does rule. He absolutely is one of the coolest characters to do what he has done with his life, his vow! You are right on about that guy.
My honey came home at lunchtime to bring me two things: Season 5 of Lost, and a new computer chair so I could sit in front of the computer all day long for SITSmas. Am I loved or what????
Merry SITSmas!!!
Today, I may be divorced. That is what I have been waiting and waiting for. Not sure if it happen down there in NC, but I will know for sure within the next couple of days. Ahhhh can't wait!
PS #Lostislife
I'm assuming you are sleeping today after consuming all that goodness yesterday? :)
Jared Leto IS a vampire!!! I looooove him. I love his guyliner. I really, really love his black fingernails. And I endured watching Alexander just to see him buffed out in various togas.
I love you too. More than Jared.
Nice to meet ya Lula I am Angel from Sits and I also am a December 8th baby and a southern girl at heart ... Happy birthday to youuu I turned 40 this year...
Hey, visiting from SITS...love you're blog. You're a hoot, I'll definitely be back!
Everybody needs a day that just snap, crackles, and pops! I'm glad you're having one!
Merry Christmas!
Happy SITS day to you! Hope you have a great day. I love your blog.
lol yes! i love lost! and jared leto is kind of hot. i loved jordan catalano :P
There's a second Glee soundtrack? Thanks for the tip-off (Aussie here). Will have to get it.
Congrats on being Saucy for the day. You have such a fun blog!
Happy SITS Day To YOU!!!! :)
OH MY GOODNESS, I love Snape. I totally love him. I want him to drip his potions all over my--wait, wow. Um. Yeah.
And there's something about Mr. Malfoy too. He's mesmerizing and oooohhh so bad. Like, bad in a good way bad, you know? YOU KNOW.
Oh goodness, there's just something about bad boys with long hair I guess. And a big wand.
How I love Glee? Let me count the ways. I really can't get enough of this show or the music. And that last moment on the season finale was just SPECTACULAR!!! I love it!
Happy birthday to you and happy sits day! Yeah for you! Nice to meet you btw!
I'm right there with you! Go 1974! Laura in Germany
Ooohh! I didn't know Jared Leto had come out with a new album; thanks for the tip!
*whispers* I think I'm the only person left on the planet who hasn't watched Glee. Please don't hate me. ;-)
I am looking forward to doing our Christmas puppet presentation at church this Sunday for the kids.
Congrats on your SITS day!
I fully agree, it's quite possible that Jared Leto is a vampire, and if he's not, he's trying really, really hard to get cast in Twilight full-time!
I just started watching Glee and have fallen in love!!! I know the series finale just went down, so I'm going to surf on over to Fox and watch it online!
Happy SITS day.
Wow! Who knew that December 8 was such a big day? And SITSmas too! I am going to have to check out glee. I've never heard of it!
Omg, I LOOOOOOVE Harry Potter!!!!!
Also, I used to LOOOOOOOVE Jared Leto when he was on My So Called Life. Do you remember that show? That show was AWESOME. Talk about teen angst lol.
He is a little Vampy looking -- I've loved that man since "My So-Called Life" if anyone else remembers that show! ;)
I saw 30 Seconds to Mars a few years back at The Next Big Thing. Yup, I was a non teenager at The Next Big Thing. Ah ha ha
I'm a few days late on this comment but I just wanted to let you know I also love Harry Potter!!! I can't freaking wait for the next movie (s) to come out. I'm sad there are no more books, but at least we have 2 more movies to flap and squeal over.
This is way too much awesomeness for one post!
I think I love absolutely everything you listed here! And yes. I'm pretty sure Jared Leto is a vampire.
I was looking forward to the 8th for Julie & Julia's release. Snagged it from redbox first thing in the morning and watched it straight away. it was slightly less than i expected but good.
I haven't seen Glee and I haven't the first album. But Now I shall have to check it all out. :-)
I'm looking forward to my husband coming home tonight....he has been away for the whole week.
Ummm... finally putting up Christmas decorations! Oh and I LOVE Glee too! Happy SITS day!
OMG! GLEE! Yay!!!!!!!! So excited! Had NO idea the second album was out so soon!
Clearly a week of fun for you!!! We're looking forward to getting out to see some Christmas lights.
Ok I need your phone number - you clearly are the Sitsta to call when life is crappy. Your enthusiasm is infectious!
Thanks for making me smile.
Oh I too love Lost! Cannot wait for the new season.
Congrats on being featured on SITS! And happy b-day
What a great list of things to look forward to.
i love your enthusiasm! It 's one of the reason I have five kids. I have five excuses to add like a child and get all crazy excited about everything that makes my heart go pitter patter!!
That's what it's all about, right?
I keep hearing about Glee. I guess I should check it out!
leto's hot...so if he's a vampire, he's a hot vamp :)
Dec. 8th is my Dad & BIL's b-day so it means a lot of partying around here for us! This year it was also the day my uncle had a HUGE 9 hour surgery removing a massive tumor in his neck and skull. We are so thankful the surgery went well and he is now on the road to recovery. I think I like your things for 12/8 better than that one for me! Happy SITS day to you.
I am not going to lie. I am pretty much in love with you.
Lost, Glee, 30 Seconds to Mars, SNAPE! And then the cherry on the sundae you quote 'Steel Magnolias'.
I. Love. Lula.
I am Gleeful for Glee too! I love it like a teenage school girl! I'm also a Lost fan and wish that they would always have the boy's shirts off...YUMMY! Hope you are wonderful!
Yummm ... I'd forgotten just how drool-worthy Jared Leto is! I've just recently gotten into 'Glee' and am so behind that I'm patiently waiting for the DVD to come out :)
*Jared Leto* my other boyfriend...seriously...
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