Friday, March 27, 2009

Bits of This and That.

It's Friday and time for Caffeinated Randomness, courtesy of Andrea. But really...if I am being truly honest--and I am--I will confess that all my days are full of caffeinated randomness.

Here's what is going down in my world, at this very moment...

*Yesterday was hectic and I'm just now catching my breath, while still feeling deatched from many of you. Amy, we must further discuss our latest musical finds, and Kat, I will call you back asap.

*If you are not currently using L'Oreal Sublime Glow, then run to Target and get a tube. I swear by this stuff...and I have to say, my legs are looking rather sunkissed now.

*Blue October's new album came out this week. Depeche Mode's comes out next month. So much fantasticness I can hardly stand it. Depeche Mode blighted my adolescence, but in a good way. And Blue October recorded 18th Floor Balcony, one of the most romantic songs ever. Sigh...

*I love frozen french fries. Don't judge. I've eaten them my entire life. When they begin to thaw I refuse to eat any more. Now I'm craving some frozen Ore-Idas.

*If you're not watching Lost, you are missing out. In a big way. If you're watching Lost but not hanging out with us at Sussing Out Lost...well, then...get your head examined!

*Heather sent me this book:I read it last night, without putting it down for longer than a minute or two. It. Is. Incredible. Remember how I went on and on about the Twilight Saga and The Hunger Games? Yeah...well, this one is in that league. Crackliture is the phrase Tiffany brilliantly coined. Indeed. (And thanks again, Heather...I love you forever.)

*I'd commit highway robbery for some Cold Stone Creamery right now. Peanut butter flavored, with chopped Oreos mixed in. Delightful!

*I want another tattoo. But only if Tattooed Minivan Mom will be there to take pictures of me while I'm getting inked.

*Earlier this week Libbey informed me that her new favorite song is Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams." And that Terry Reid's "Seed of Memory" is a "good song on a rainy day." Before I could fall to my knees to thank God for this incredible child, Caroline piped up, "I love 'Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na!'" Which, translated, is the praise song, "Every Move I Make." Yet another incredible child! It makes me so happy. Thank You, Jesus. Amen. (Dad, is this how you felt when I, at a young age, discovered the wonders of Glenn Miller? Simon & Garfunkel? Marvin Gaye?)

*Tonight is the first Friday night in months that I do not have the crew of Galactica to entertain me. I still cannot believe the best show nobody ever watched* is over. (*According to Entertainment Weekly. It's an accurate description. 'Twas the finest show around. After Lost, of course.)
Battlestar Galactica Pictures, Images and Photos
Greg? Cara? What are we going to do? Any suggestions for Friday evening fun?

Hope everybody has a fabulous weekend! Y'all have any big plans you'd like to share? I'd love to hear all about it!


Tiffany said...

Linky orgy going down.

Off to try some Loreal sublime and buy that book.

Just finished some crackliture of my own....


Amy said...

Now I need that book. I haven't been reading anything. You know I love your picks.
Hope you have a great weekend. xo

Rhea said...

Thanks for the book rec! I need a good read. I'm so sad I won't be running into you in April...say, on a plane...

Sissy said...

I am sick. My plans are to curl up in my bed with my favorite pajamas and read the three Lee Child books I checked out at the library. I love Lee Child and his main character, Jack Reacher. I will suck on cough drops and let my husband bring me tea. Then, at some point, I will drag myself out of bed and go help paint the laundry room. Sounds exciting, huh?

Amy said...

Spring cleaning weekend over here! Fun times :)

Shannon said...

I could jump on this bandwagon... I've been working on a "bit o' randomness" post this week!

You mean you eat the fries frozen? Really?! Hmmm... But then again, my kids eat Eggos frozen. M insists that hers get microwaved for exaactly 6 seconds so it's not too hard for her to bite into.

Sheesh, I've got weird kids.

No plans this weekend that I'm aware of... sigh.

Heather said...

My plans include reading that book, which snatched up at the library just as they were getting it off of the UPS truck. Yay!

And running in that race on Sunday morning. While you're at church, send up a prayer for me that I don't make a total fool of myself, 'kay?

Getting together with my sisters this weekend, one for dinner on Friday (Rhonda), and Michelle's coming over on Saturday to scrapbook. Good times!

Recovering from my week at work.

Counting the days 'til May. And July. You know why.

Tony C said...

No Battlestar just sunk in for me.

What a finale though! I loved it, and I'm going to watch it again tonight (DVR) so I don't go into BG withdrawal.

sassy stephanie said...

I'm at the tail end of Hunger Games. Yes, I know, I know, Santa left it in my stocking, but man, I've been busy! Will have to pick this one up. You've never steered me wrong!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Ok, lots of notes on this.
1. I am sooo happy you mentioned the sublime glow. I have been using the one for the face for about 9 months now and love it. That's saying a lot for me since I am not loyal to many beauty products. But I will go get the one for the legs or body that you mentioned.
2. I thought at first you love french fries that you bake from the freezer but noooooooooo, you actually eat them frozen. FUNNY!!!!
3. LOST. I am so sorry but they have been losing me. I still have 3 weeks on my DVR. I never used to delay watching it but it's giving me a headache. BUT I am not giving up!!!!
4. We feel the same way about Tristan and the music. He loves some good adult stuff & it's awesome not to have to listen to Caillou & Barney.

Have a great weekend. I have to go get my 2nd cup of coffee. No special plans here which is great for a change!!!!!

CaraBee said...

Okay, okay, I'm going to get that book this weekend! I just finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, READ IT!

I am desolate about BSG. Seriously. I have the finale recorded to watch again. I think it might be time for me to start watching the whole series all over again.

I don't want to torture you, but I'm going out to lunch with my BFF shortly and we're stopping at Cold Stone. Yum. (There goes this week's weight loss!) said...

Love sublime.
I'm not sure about frozen fries tho. :)

I need to talk to you. call me pronto amigo.

Brandy said...

Frozen fries? I've never heard of anyone eating them actually frozen, but I don't judge.

Although I respectively disagree with the ice cream flavored with toffee chips is at the top of my list.

I was just saying yesterday that I really, really want another tattoo, but I haven't decided on what. I guess it's been long enough that I don't remember how much it hurt anymore...LOL!

Gina said...

Yep, that was random...
I have watched now. We can discuss. You were right. There is much to lament. Namely the fact that they all look like they fell into a vat of circus clown's white makeup. Bad.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

I'd like sunkissed legs right now, but considering the ground is still covered in snow and ice here, I'd just look freakish! Next month, though!

Ashley said...

I'm going to get some of that sublime glow. You are the second or third blogger I've heard rave about it.

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I will check out the sublime glow. Waiting desperatly for the book. Will let you know what I think. You know my Lost situation. Mmmmmm Cold Stone. I am a loser and never watched Battlestar G. I don't think I had the channel? I don't have cable. Gasp!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow that was a lot of info.

Really frozen fries? Like right out of the freezer?

I want cold stone now mmmm.

It's party weekend here :)

Crystal Rae said...

Hubby and I are in season five watching Galactica, LOVE IT. Also.. I need to check out that book, I love the twilight series and need some new books to read :)

Melissa said...

Okay, I have yet to read Hunger Games because I'm waiting for the paperback version. I'm cheap like that. Does this little number come in paperback format?

I love kids and their love for music. My kids are hooked the Boomerang Express (this years VBS music). We have every song memorized already. I love me some Jeff Slaughter. He's so cool.

KatBouska said...

You girls and your sci-fi...I'm intrigued.

scrappysue said...

i'll take pics of you getting your new tattoo! i took my own pics, but that depends entirely where you're being inked, right??? :)

Elena said...

Hip hip hooray! A new book to add to my want list. And now I'm off to buy some sunkissed leg looking lotion b/c this morning my hubby told me I needed to go bakc to Hawaii due to my snow white legs. :) "Book the tickets honey. I'm all about Hawiian bronzed legs."

Jen said...

I have so much reading to do b/c that sounds like a great book.
And will you come and hold my hand I so want a tattoo but I am too scared and I have no idea what or where. I am turning 30 this year and I think it would be a great present to myself.

Linda said...

I love this and that.

Does that Sublime Glow have that funky smell?

I would totally get another tattoo ... I'm thinking a Celtic Claddagh would be cool.

I've heard rumors that Depeche Mode and Simple Minds might do a US tour late this year. Oh yes, that would be the ticket! HUGE Simple Minds fan here. I could drool.

Love Ore-Ida's Potatoes O'Brien.

Shoot, I can't handle another book right now, but you know I'll check it out, and then I'll neglect laundry and meals to read it non-stop. Yup.

Cold Stone ... strawberry cheesecake. Bliss.

Unknown said...

i want that book
and today i have cookies & cream frozen yogurt w/ oreos strawbs chocolate carmel pieces and blackberries. i died

Angie's Spot said...

Frozen french fries? Really?

I'll have to add that book to my ever growing list of reads. I finally had to quit buying books and stay far away from every bookstore because my bedside pile has grown to epic proportion. Sigh.

Aunt Julie said...

I've been thinking about Tattoos while watching March Madness. I wonder how long it took the tats on some of those players' biceps to heal? It hurts me just to look at them!

Heather said...

I want another tattoo too! I want a cupcake, but I can't decide yet where to get it.

Marrdy said...

I read about this book on Heathers blog. I really do need to go out and get it.