I have a small, green journal that I keep near me at all times. In fact, this journal and my Bible are constant roommates, as one is never apart from the other. Within the pages of this little book are random musings on every day life, answers to prayers, recognitions of blessings I've been given, notes such as, "Buy Susan's birthday present," and lists of people I'm praying for. And a lot of these people are you. Yes, dear reader...you!
A quick glance through my journal reveals specific times when many of my bloggy pals have been on my heart. Some of these entries would seem cryptic, were anyone else to read them, but God and I know the deets. Such as:
*May 21, 2008
Sissy--job situation and the desires of her heart
*August 24, 2008
Melissa--strength, comfort, peace, healing
Kristen--website, personal blog, writing Bible study
*October 19, 2008
"Life on life discipleship" and blessings of friends--Melissa & Caroline.
*November 30, 2008
The McCulley Family--"God, I need You to be all over this!"
*January 18, 2009
Heather--cold toes, cold lungs, hot Arizona!!!
I could continue on and mention even more of you whose names are written between the pages of this little book. This little green book which houses a portion of my heart. But you get the point.
Or do you?
This journal is all part of my system. Oswald Chambers once described prayer as "the ministry of the interior." My interior is a constant work in progress, and prayer is definitely the biggest aspect of it. Talking to God--better yet, listening to God--makes me who I am. And praying for my family, my friends, and even blog pals I do not know "in real life," is a privilege for me.
"I thank my God every time I remember you."~Philippians 1:3
And that, my dears, is exactly the point.

What a neat post! I kept looking for info about kettles...
I think it's wonderful you keep that book on hand and spend so much time praying for others. You are a good person, Lula.
You rock. I have a prayer and daily journal too. I love it! I like to keep little quotes that my girls say in them as well so when I scrapbook I remember them.
that is so amazing that you do this. I just try and remember people this is just so much more meaningful.
Gurl, you know I love ya. Would you be surprised to find that others out here in bloggyland have you on our minds and in our prayers, as well. Cause we luv us some Lula and want her to be healthy as well.
Blessings, girl.
I knew that you had my back! Thanks for all the prayers, Lula. You truly are a sweet southern gal, aren't ya?
That is so sweet and very inspiring. I think about and even talk about my blog friends to people in my 'real' life. It is an awesome place, this blogland of ours! And so are you!
You are an inspiration Lula! I have my daily journal that I am keeping with bible, and that has been a huge step for me this year in my closeness with Christ. Just connecting everyday with him like that is too cool.
I know who I shall thank for in prayer today!
Awww! Great post Lula. I love it that you care enough to write everything down in your little green book. You are such a sweet and thoughtful person (um, I'm assuming you write mostly 'nice' things in your book)!
This was so sweet and let me tell you so comforting this morning. It's a tough one, to see my name there made me smile. Thank you so much. xoxo
I love the journal by you constantly idea. I keep buying notebooks to keep with me to jot down writing ideas, prayer requests and they keep disappearing. The culprits? My lovely children. I think I need to chain it to my neck.
And I want to be just like you when I grow up.
You inspire me. With your zest for life, your faith, and your fabulous sense of humor.
Have I mentioned lately that I love you?
Why is it that when I come here to see what you have written I leave with tears on my face yet a smile in my heart.
I am more than thankful for you and our friendship.
I love you dearly.
Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Great encouragement.
You're such an encouragement! I loved the O. Chambers quote; My Utmost For His Highest is daily reading around here and helps focus me for the day. I'm blessed to find so many awesome woman via the Kettle Club and the 5:16 Club. Thanks for being so faithful in your prayer.
You are such a great friend. Even though we make not get to talk every day, I know our friendship is real. I am blessed to know you.
Now go watch Napoleon like the good friend you are. You have to see how talented my son really is at impressions.....:)
I love you, my sister in Christ.
You are such an amazing bloggy friend.
Lula.....you inspire me! I must get a little green journal.....and your name will be first in it!
With all this computerized stuff about us, there is still something so peaceful and lovely about writing the things of our heart in a journal. I get it :).
neat post!
love the OC. quote!
Thank you for leaving me a comment on my little blog today. I feel welcomed to the Kettle Club! I can already tell I'll be enjoying learning from all of you.
I enjoyed your post today!
What a wonderful idea! I love the personal aspect...
psst - did you see the Jason Statham photos on "The Superficial" today?
here's the link -
I kept a journal for years and years...now I just jot things down on whatever paper (or skin) is nearby.
You. Are. Amazing.
Thanks Lula - that made my day! I need to be more about praying and some "interior work". Lately all I've wanted to do was visit bedside baptist while Wesley is napping. Thankfully God understands, but I know He still wants to meet with me.
Could I possibly love you even more?!
I keep a prayer journal.
Well... not I don't. I wish I did but I loose things.
That's why I write on my mirror in dry erase....
Isn't it wonderful when you look back in your prayer journal and see how the Lord answers? Great thoughts on prayer.
sometimes i just wanna give you a big fat hug. especially when i read shiz like this.
Just stopped by for a visit today and found some real inspiration! I have a little turquoise book that is joined at the hip to my Bible!
Bless you,
You're so wonderful- not only humorous and passionate but very warm & caring!!! Your friends are lucky to have you!!!!!
Prayer is a powerful thing ... what an amazing person you are. I'm sure your 'in real life' friends treasure you. Because even just being a bloggy buddy I think you're pretty awesome!
Thanks, what a great post!
I love your blog! It is adorable!
I love having prayer warriors. I love that I can call you day or night and ask you to pray and I KNOW you will.
Good stuff Lula...as always.
Thank God for His gift of prayer.
Awww Lula! I just love your heart, girl!
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