Monday, August 10, 2009

Nosy Rosy.

I am not, by nature, a nosy person.  Well, not since I became an adult just a few years ago. Ahem.

I don't have a hankering to know all of the town gossip, nor do I snoop through medicine cabinets.  

Yet curiosity does get the best of me when I'm at the house of a friend, for a Tupperware party, a cook-out, a baby shower, etc.  Specifically, when I'm a guest in someone's home and have to use their "powder room."  If the community toilet happens to be in the same room as a shower and/or bathtub, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to peel back the curtain to take a peek at the toiletries contained within.

Now, I don't open shower doors.  Come on, that makes too much noise.  But a curtain is whisper quiet.  So I peek.  I admit it.  

If a particular friend has especially fabulous hair, I want to know what kind of product she's using.  Does she smell delicious?  Well, I have to know what kind of shower gel she's lathering with.  If said friend has an unfortunate 'do that is not crowning her glory, I want to judge her shampoo & conditioner.  Maybe the fault lies therein!  And then I can say, "Have you tried L'Oreal Ever Pure?  It really helps your color resist fading!"  Gee, I'm so handy to have around!

Please don't be afraid to invite me into your home.  Rather, into your bathroom.  To prove that I'm not a  too shady a character, I'll invite y'all into my shower:

Look at all these wonderfully named beauty products...
"Glaze," "Naked," and "Ain't Misbehavin'"
Now that's what I'm talking 'bout.
I rock.  Clearly.

Because I believe in equal opportunity nosiness, 
I give you Scott's shower shelf.'s rather boring.  
But at least he smells delightful!

Do you peek behind shower curtains?  Will you admit to it here?  Or are you just a regular ol' medicine cabinet snooper?  Fess up!  

*I actually had to look up the spelling of "nosy."  Is it "nosy?"  "Nosey?"  I usually spell it with an "e."  According to Miriam Webster, both are the proper spellings.  "Nosy" just looks better with "Rosy."  

Just love me in spite of my idiosyncrasies, please.

(For those who've asked--the nasal aspirator does have a purpose.  My husband is a doctor, aka extremely anal.  His sister is an audiologist, aka extremely anal.  The aspirator is used in place of Q-Tips.  Because my husband and his sister believe that Q-Tips are satan in the guise of cotton tips.  Um...whatever.  I use Q-tips every single day.  I don't flush my ears out with that blue thingy.  Just so you know.  Oh, and yes...Scott shares my razors.  Classic Daisy disposables.  They're his fave.  Don't judge.)


Rhonda Gail said...

ha, funny. I just did a similar post about medicine cabinets!!

Heather said...

Okay, is that a "snot sucker" aka nasal aspirator on Scotty's shelf? Do I even wanna know? And does he share your pink razors?

Just so you know, I did NOT peek at your medicine cabinets whilst in Lulaville. But since you let me in your closet and showed me your (ahem) hairdye, I really didn't need to...

Caroline said...

I have the same inquiry as Heather regarding the nasal aspirator on his shelf. Whaaa?

You may come look in my shower anyday. I'm going to have to keep it clean more often seeing as we "might" have some interest in our little abode. Mr. Baseball and I have been considering an upgrade - convenient timing seeing as how we only have 11 weeks left before we add to our brood.

Love you!

Melissa said...

The fact that I know what Heather is talking about, ahem, just makes me laugh hysterically.

I am starting to believe cotton swabs are straight from the pits of .....ahem....I almost pierced my ear drum the other day. It just feels so good to dry out my ears with them.....

Heather said...

I, too, zoned in on the aspirator. God love him! The q-tip is alive and well here in our home, but only because I have four girls who use them to put on their "nake-up".

I've never thought to peek behind a shower curtain, but now I will! And Paul uses my razors too!! He claims they really do shave closer.

Brandy said...

I've never thought to do that but I like the idea. BTW I love Qtips and use them every day.

CaraBee said...

I'm a shower peeker. Never in medicine cabinets! It is honestly just curiosity about their hair products. But if I saw a nasal aspirator, I would definitely be wondering. I don't think I would have gone straight to ear cleaning.

PS - My sister burst both of her eardrums as a kid with q-tips. Its a strange and ridiculous story. Given that, you'd think I hate the things. Nope. I love the way it feels. Yes, I'm weird.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Ok, I had to doubleclick on the shower pic. Love the names of your products. I have been known to look behind the curtain but never the cabinet. As for the aspirator, I never would have thought it worked in the ears too. wow, good to know since I have been hurting Tristan's ears a little when I go into deep with thr qtip.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

So is the pink razor on Scott's shelf his, or do you just have more than one in the shower?

I'm a shower peeker. I think other people's bathrooms and their choice of hygenic products can be fascinating as well. Much like Jillian from the Bachelorette's "hot dog theory," in fact.

Tony C said...

Thank you. I now know I'm not the only married (or shacked up) man who prefers separate areas for hygiene products (sorry, I refuse to call them dainty). I was always in fear of applying Mrs. Tony C's numerous hair products in the wrong sequence and my head bursting into flames. product for hair and body. Start at the top, end at the toes, and it's made by the epitome of manly man things...Old Spice!

Control yourselves ladies...I'm a married man!

Unknown said...

i totally snoop.
and i read a story about a family who filled their medicine cabinet with really loud things and when a guest opened it everything came crashing down.

i wouldn't even be embarrassed!

Sissy said...

This is why I don't let people use the master bathroom. Besides the fact that it is the only room not decorated in my house (even the laundry room is painted) it might be the sloppiest room in the house.

I discovered my husband's razor and that's what we both use. Some Gilette Fusion thing, and it is a great razor. Yup, it is.

We love Q-tips.

Jen said...

thank you for clearing all that up. I was wondering.

S Club Mama said...

LOL I was going to ask about the aspirator - we have those running around our house but they're for the baby (and Moose, who can't yet blow his nose). And I take my husband's razor a lot - works better than my own.

I am a medicine cabinet snoop, I'll admit it. I just can't help it!

jori-o said...

I think I only snoop if something about the person has gotten my curiosity going.

And I'm glad you explained Scott's shelf =)

KatBouska said...

I'm terrified of people like you...not because you will see I use Herbal Essences just hoping for an orgasm every morning...but because you might see the mildew on my curtain.

Damn I need to get a new one at Target. SOMEONE BRING ME A CURTAIN ALREADY!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome that your husband uses your disposable razors. My husband wouldn't be caught dead near any pink razor at all.

Just Lisa said...

Oh, Lord. I would DIE if you looked in my shower! Nastiness!

I'll just tell you what I use: Bedhead. I think Lauren recently described it as Lamespice, but I don't care! I love the way it smells!

Abby said...

Now you've got me WORRIED!!! I really HOPE people don't look in my shower. It's, shall I say, sicknast. It's just old and I can't get the mildew out of the tile crevices. But maybe I'll try a little harder now that I know people actually PEEK in showers. Wow. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I was wondering about that baby aspirator. I was thinking your husband must be more refined than say, my brother or dad who used to blow their noses in the shower. I would have never thought get the water out of my ears with an aspirator. Learn something new everyday. I'm pretty sure Jeff has more "toilettries" in the shower than I do. Seriously.

Unknown said...

I love this. It's been a while since I've had a good snoop.

Now that we're moving to the suburbs, maybe I'll get another chance!

New to your blog from SITS. :)

Ash said...

I never peek behind the curtain. Perfectly decent people have disgusting mold and soap scum build up in their showers. Not me of course...just sayin.

And I'd be scared to death to stick that aspirator thingy in my ear!! said...

I am so glad you answered the nasal aspirator question...bc I was like, "what in the sam hill is that"

Jennifer P. said...

I was wondering about that chick razor! I have always been a classic medicine-cabinet looker---but I might have to start peeking behind the curtain now! You know another really great place to check out? The top drawer in the homeowner's bedroom dresser. Yeah--well, they might be a little creeped out that you're peeking around in their room, but it just might be worth what you get to see :) (you'll never invite me over now, will you?!)

Vicki said...

The only thing that stood out to me IMMEDIATELY was the pink razor on Scott's shelf. Um. Get him some guyliner! ;)

This reminds me of the travelocity commercial, or some such getaway commercial, where the chick is in her boyfriends bathroom, starts snooping and the medicine cabinet falls off the wall. Hilarious!! I am not a snooper. I'm too conspiratorial. To me everyone has video cameras in their houses looking at what you do... Wait, have I been involved with the military too long?

Maddness of Me said...

I can so totally picture you peeking, girl. I hope you wouldn't judge me when you saw my Xanax. Hey, I thought about you today when I realized I'm in love with Eric Bana. I thought to myself, it's sortof like Lula and Jason - only worse.


Unknown said...

So, the pink razor didn't bother me nearly as much as the 'blue monster' glad you clarified. ;-)

I'm a 'peek behind the shower curtain' kind of girl...and now I must make sure that I clean my bathrooms know, just in case.

Britt said...

I peek in showers too.

But only to make sure no creepy guys/little kids/pervo teen sons are hiding in the shower while I pee.

I'm not even kidding.