Introducing...MOXIE MONA!

I'm so proud to be a part of
Moxie Media, a new network of women bloggers who are taking the internet by storm. Our "mascot," Moxie Mona, has been traveling around the United States this week, visiting the homes of a bevy of fabulous bloggers. I was honored to host Miss Moxie Mona in my little neck of the woods.
Francesca, one of our fearless Moxie Media leaders, informed me of the purpose for Mona's visit...
Francesca: Just write about where you live and showcase yourself with Mona. Tell about your corner of the world!
Me: First of all, when I hear the word "showcase," I picture myself on stage in Las Vegas, in an elaborate burlesque review, wearing fiery-colored plumes, rhinestones, and about 16 pounds of facial & body cosmetics. And then I get lost in memories of a better time...when Liberace was still tinkling the ivories and I was all trim and fit...and...sigh. Great, now I'm all depressed and stuff.
Francesca: (Dead Silence.)
Me: Plus, if I write about where I live, it will include references to meth labs, tobacco fields, Oxycontin being sold on street corners, and fields full of cow patties. And really...unless we're watching National Geographic or Chris Hansen's "To Catch a Predator" on NBC, who truly wants to know about my crack corner of the world? Even though it is beautiful the mountains...
Francesca: (Even more dead silence.)
Me: Oh, all right! Yeesh...I'll come up with something...
Here's my something. Please enjoy Mona's adventures in Southwest Virginia!
We live on almost 18 acres of land.
What do we do with these acres?
We grow hay.
No, I'm not kidding.
Mona hitched a ride on a tractor,
on the day the freshly cut grass was
placed into neat little rows...all for the baling process.
Yee-haw, Mona!

(She's a country gal at heart...all she needs is a pair of overalls!)
Aw, Mona...
Look at you celebrating with those fine Georgia athletes,
follwing a Bulldog touchdown!
Mona knows. Mona gets it.
And by "it," I mean the most wonderful time of the year...
College football, baby!

I even taught Mona the proper response one gives when the Bulldogs kickoff...
"Gooooooooooo Dawgs...sic 'em...woof-woof-woof-woof-woof!"
Mona took a trip to our little public library...'s where all the good gossip goes down,
and where we showcase famous authors from our mountain region.
Yes, that's Adriana Trigiani, author of the soon-to-be-made-into-a-movie,
Big Stone Gap.
Big Stone is Ms. Trigiani's hometown...and is just right up
the road from Pennington Gap, my town!
Yes, "Gaps" are a big deal 'round here.

Mona & I are going to read Big Cherry Holler...
...since we have all manner of Hollers 'round these parts.
LOOK! Mona took a cruise to Mexico!

Miss Mona assured me of her virtue,
having politely declined the Towel Duck's advances.
Oh, little lady. I'm so proud.
Finally, we come to the heart of Pennington Gap, Virginia...
...our most famous landmark...
recreated here by some artist.
I apologize, artist, for not crediting you properly.

The Stoneface is a Very Big Deal.
God put that face on that mountain for a reason.
It is our duty, as residents of this fine little mountain town,
to proudly share this bit of greatness with the world.
And with Mona...who is, very obviously, impressed.
I had more pictures of Mona's Southwest Virginian adventure, however a suspicious-looking male superhero has just interrupted my posting efforts to announce that Moxie Mona rocks the red boots way better than that fashion doll whose name rhymes with "Darby."
Good times.
Thanks for visiting, Mona! And thanks for being such a good sport. Now let's go eat some pumpkin crisp, and discuss whether we're going to see Jennifer's Body or Fame this weekend.
***Thanks to these fine ladies for making Mona's Lulaville visit possible***