Dear Old Man Winter,
I am over it. Don't get me wrong, I loved the blizzard you gave us last week. But I've had my fair share and it's time to move on. Please disregard that stupid Punxsutawney Phil and his prognosis for the untimely arrival of Spring. He's a fat, hairy, smelly liar, I'm certain.
I need sunshine. I need warm breezes. I want to paint my toenails a blazing, obnoxious shade of pink. Wouldn't they be adorable peeking out from these fantastic flats?
What about this coordinating purse? It screams daffodils, lemonade, Easter baskets, filmy fabrics, sandals, wide-brimmed straw hats, azaleas, and tunes from Cole Porter.

I also need pink sunbursts for my earlobes, as a signal of the brighter days to come. It's all for the sake of fashion and the building of my self esteem.
A little daydreaming does wonders for the soul. I refuse to admit to sniffing a bottle of Coppertone, but a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.
I'm over you, Winter. Thanks for playing, but it's time for you to go. Now. Please.
I am so with you! I am ready for the sickness to be gone from my flat and the beautiful weather to heal us all!
Strangely it's been nice here. Not warm, but nice. Now, not so much. The rain came back....
I like the rain. I like snuggly sweatshirts and cozy slippers and warm beds...
...but just made me pine for sandals and's freaking freezing here. Suck it winter.
Winter can suck it.
Love the shoes, Love the bag, Love the smell of coconut tanning lotion, Love the Spring, Love the Summer.
I suck for not getting back to you. I am holding my eyes open with toothpicks. I promise I will write you back tomorrow.
Yes. Who cares what stupid Phil thinks? Think Spring. I was thinkin' it yesterday when it was almost 60. I opened the windows and then I glanced at my flip flops and thought, "Soon.""
A thousand times over, amen.
The warm weather this week is such a tease. You know winter's not done with us yet. Grrrr...
I do adore that purse and those shoes. Reminds of Isabel's request to wear flip-flops...with six inches of snow still on the ground :)
Cute stuff! Yesterday it was almost 70 here. We had the windows open and stuff. But we all have colds and warm weather colds are miserable. So no enjoying the 70 degree weather yesterday.
I'll send you some sunshine to the mountains of VA.
I'm loving that your daydreams are so color-coordinated! It's been warm here and only got rainy yesterday, so we're enjoying THAT change of weather...
I could take the snow if only I could have some sunshine! All these dreary days are getting me down...
I love the bag and the earrings are nice. But those shoes? Really?
I am ready for warmer wather too.
I am RIGHT WITH YOU!! I'm ready for our vacation. Now where are we gonna go?
We've had such a mild winter (not to brag!) here that I'm not having the spring fever I normally do. It was in the 50s and 60s this weekend, though, and it felt GOOD. We went to the park, romped in the sunshine, soaked it up. We'll probably get hammered next week.
I can totally see that outfit and I am LOVING IT!
Amen sista. It was almost 70 here yesterday and I was driving home from the grocery store with the windows down. It was fab!
And those sandals and tote are to die for!
Love the sandals and tote...the, not my style. But I'm sure they will be super cute on you!
I was just asking Stevie if he thought it was too early for me to wear sandals last night. He said yes. And then I agreed when it was only 35 this morning.
Oh Spring where art thou?
Love those sandals and matching's going to be 75 here today....CAN YOU SAY FLIP FLOPS!!!
Me too, I am always ready for the sun. If I had the sandals and purse I would really be stylin. Do they come in wide?
I love the earrings!! HInt, Hint - nudge, nudge, wink , wink!
Does that oversized rodent's prognosticating really apply to us who are nearly 500 miles to the south? I don't think so.
Nice earrings... if I can say so in a metrosexual kinda way.
Oh, a little Kate Spade always cheers a girl up! You certainly have GREAT taste :-) I too am READY for spring. Can't wait!
Sorry I didn't get you a panda picture. Now I have to think of another reason to sneak into the ER so I can find that mural again! Pinkerbell is feeling much better, thank you :-)
It was almost 80 here in TX over the weekend and I was wearing flip flops and needed to paint the toe nails, I almost painted them pink but then went with a more wintery color.
I love the color of those shoes, purse and earrings.
And I have to admit, I too like to sniff coppertone, shhhh
Love all the pink! Popping in from SITS to say hi!
Oh I so want to paint my toe nails again too!
Ok b/c of this post I had to google Kate Spade and now I am totally in LOVE! I found a handbag that I just love and I totally want no NEED it. But there is just one problem, the price. How am I suppose to explain a $600 bag to Jeff?
I am just going to have him call you, k!?!
I'm really hoping Winter doesn't come back .. he seems to have snuck away in the night a few days ago, and left us with a bunch of mud.
Now we're getting rain. I refuse to get giddy. I'm gonna stay Eeyorish for a few more weeks.
I suddenly feel a strong need for sunshine and daffodils! And pink Toenails!
So then I guess you will hate me for saying how warm it is here in FL and how I am wearing tank top and flip flops right now?
Or you can just come visit, have a Blue Moon with me and tell me how evil I just was, in person, as I cook snow crab legs for you :)
Wanna get away? You should plan a trip around the time Kori is coming down to Disney. Just a suggestion.
I'm with you--I wouldn't drive in that either. Can't imagine living in that kind of snow, crazy. I'm all kinds of wimpy, when it rains 1/4 inch I cry.
Once again I am an absent blogger.
BUT I do love these!! All of them. (And we are getting a winter storm tonight! No sandles for me!)
I hear ya. At least you get blizzards though. We get sloshy rain. Ick.
We've had 3 days of heavy rain and dark skies. I have a bone to pick with Mother nature. I need sun and pink, too. :)
Sounds like you have a bad case of Snow Phobia! Yup, I'm infected, too, as you could tell by reading my post over at Tiffany's. What a fun time I had today, though. I think the next couple weeks over at T's will be a blast, don't you?
Ah, those sandals and that bag ... love 'em. Can I borrow them? They'd be perfect for some vacation that right now I can only dream about. sigh
Let me love pink??
I cannot wait either! That is why it is so fun to shop for these fun things in preperation for the upcoming season. That will buy us some time??
I'm thinking we Mommy Blabbers all need to go for pedicures and get our toenails painted the same obnoxious shade of pink.
It was 71 here today... third day temps have been 70 or 71. I know it won't last... I'm actually worried as to what Mother Nature will have in store for us next month.
Dear Ms. Spring,
I politely request that you keep your grubby hands off my Mr. Winter.
Mr. Winter thinks I look good in my jeans and sweaters and I like a man around who makes me feel good and warm.
I know your snotty self will talking to all your b*tchy friends about my "muffin top."
So kindly stay away from these parts of Michigan for a little while longer. Give Jillian Michaels and Weight Watchers a little bit more time to work on me.
Sniffing Coppertone?
We. are. soulmates.
Sad part is, it's too expensive to just buy to snort, so I have to do it on the sly every time I hit the grocery store.
I might have to whore myself out to afford a bottle for private tokes.
I love you. Sending sunshine your way. Em
Ok now you are just making me think I don't need to wear so much black all the time.
Yes--my toes want to come out and play again too---though my usually summer-cracked heels are kind of liking this sock business.
I love the purse and earrings but the shoes are a little house slipperish ;0 Put a little heel on 'em and it might make 'em work.
I'm with you. I'm ready for warmer weather. It's been mild down here, but I'm ready for sunshine, late days and salty skin.
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