It's LOST night, y''s the promo for tonight's episode. I'll be at Bible study 'til 9 pm or so...and I've decided that DVR is the greatest invention in the history of the world. Right next to XM Radio, I do believe. So I'll get my Lost on least once or twice before bedtime!
Some of you have asked, "Since you're so into Lost, why don't you blog about it?" The answer is easy-peasy, y'all...I am indeed obsessed with this show. Obsessed is strong is my love of Lost! Admittedly, though, so much of it is beyond my grasp of explanation. Therefore, I rely on other blogs to keep me filled in and within the loop of island knowledge. Check out my Lost links over to the right--this is where I get all my pertinent info. The go-to Lost bloggers are "e" and Doc Arzt. You should definitely check them out. Meanwhile, I'll continue to rant and rave over my beloved hour of deliciously good television. Sigh...
since i've been reading longlivelocke at your suggestion, i find myself more excited on thursdays. i'm even playing this ridiculous find815 game that i found linked from there.
Sooo...what did you think? Wes and I are now Lost watchers...we actually taped American Idol in one room so we could watch Lost in the other. How pathetic are we?
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