Let's peek into the chaos that is my mind. Its inner workings astound me, as well as freak me out quite regularly. See that Bible verse over on the right there? Yeah, God knows me, and for this I am eternally grateful. I can't wait to ask Him one day, face to face, "Lord, what were You thinking?" and "How many times in any given day did You chuckle at the mess that was in my noggin?" He'll have an answer. I'm counting on it.
While assembling a chicken casserole yesterday afternoon I compiled a list of things that were bugging me, grating on my nerves, and/or creating unwelcome sadness:
*The leaves are turning. Already. It's late August and we've had 3 weeks with no rain. Fall is my favorite season, however I'm not quite ready for it.
*William Petersen is leaving CSI after 9 episodes this season. No Gil Grissom in my life is unfathomable. Replacing him is Laurence Fishburne. That might work...we'll wait & see.

*I'm never going to get my tattoo. I've only wanted one for 10 years. Why do I keep putting it off?
*My People magazine is regularly being delivered 5-7 days after the fact, when everything's old news. What's the point? I'm having to go to Perez Hilton more often than I care to admit. And I've reported this problem to the good folks at People 4 times now. Four. Times. People, can we get with the People?
*Still another 150+ days 'til Lost returns. And Sci-Fi.com won't even divulge when Battlestar Galactica is back on air, for its final season. Who is the final Cylon? I'm rather impatient.

*This week, Colorado...next week, Minnesota. I'm so over all of it. November 4th, please come and go.
*Philosophy has new smelly goods for Fall, particularly Pumpkin Spice Muffin Shower Gel. This speaks to my heart, but obviously not loud enough. It's sold out everywhere. Already.

With my hands still shredding chicken, I also made another list in this brain 'o mine. However this was a glad list. Ever seen Pollyanna? We own everything Hayley Mills has ever done, and Pollyanna rocks. And after feeling somewhat blue over utterly trivial things, I knew I needed to be happy:
*My new BareMinerals Buxom Lips Full Color Gloss in "Vanessa." Autumn, my lips are ready!
*Libbey adores first grade, loves her teacher, enjoys her classmates, and thinks she is Big Stuff now that she's no longer a "little" kid. (Still haven't uploaded the pictures from her first day.)
*Twilight is less than three months away. My birthday & Christmas arrive early this year!

(Working on the convincing here, my friend. He is delicious.)
*Love, love, loving The Cure's new song, "The Perfect Boy." Thanks ever so much, Amy! I am forever in your debt. I'm just not gonna admit how many times the iPod jukebox has played it since last night. It wouldn't embarrass me, but I can't speak for the rest of y'all.
*I'm not in Colorado this week. (Unless Heather calls with a sudden invite.) Nor will I be in Minnesota next week. Remember? I'm over it. Both of 'em.
*Buffalo-flavored Pop'rs enhance chicken casserole. Delish! Thanks, Veggie Mom! Why aren't y'all on Ellen yet?
*I'm wearing a very special, very fabulous, and downright awesome t-shirt. I'll take a picture eventually (when I have a photographer handy!), but you just have to know that the front reads "EAMC, June 20, 1901" and the back has a special quote that includes the word "meadow." And if you don't know what "EAMC" or "the meadow" means, you're not reading. It's The. Best. Shirt. Ever. You totally deserve a public shoutout, Tiffany! Again, a huge thanks to you! I kind of love you just a little.
*I'm seeing Equus on Broadway, with my good friend Lacey. And not just because a certain wizard from Hogwarts is, ahem, naked while performing in it. On stage. Live. Cough-cough. We have zero ulterior motives. Just sayin'.

And right about now there are five ladies listed over on my blogroll who are not the least bit horrified or shocked at any of my admissions. They're simply nodding their heads, gently laughing, slightly rolling their eyes, and saying to themselves, "Yep, that's Leigh Anne." Right, girls? (Love you--K, B, S, and K--miss you all.)
Am I vexing or what? Yeesh, y'all...go with it, work with me, and, as always, please don't flee. Vexed or not, I couldn't bear your absence.