Last week I was asked by an inquiring mind, "So what kind of circle do you blog in?" I was all, "Huh? Circle?" Sometimes I can be a doofus. The last instance in which I was stumped and/or at a loss for words was years ago...clearly, I never run out of words. (OK...that's a lie...Heather got me good last week...and she totally called me out on it, knowing she'd caught me off guard. Rare. But it happens. I'm just sayin'.) Again, with the questioning..."You know, like political bloggers, religious ones, stay-at-home Mamas...your circle of blogging friends? People with interests like yours, of course!"
I thought about it for a minute. I then thought about it all weekend. What is my blogging circle? Do I have a circle? Thinking of you bloggy pals, I realized that regardless of politics, religion, employment situation, or marital status I consider each of you friends. Folks I'd hang out with "real life," since I'm obviously enjoying your presence in my computer. In a big way.
When I began blogging back in January I didn't advertise on my profile, "Vast Right Wing Conspiracist, Lost-loving, Sci-Fi Nerd, Obsessive Twilight Fan, Southern By Birth--Bulldog by the Grace of God, Liberty University Graduate, I'm-Not-At-All-Crafty, Seeks Friends With Whom to Watch Fox News." I mean, why pimp myself out more than usual? Or unnecessarily frighten the heck out of unsuspecting bloggers? Besides, I am so much more than these...because I didn't even mention my serious gluttony issue when it comes to being a cosmetic whore. Saving my Sephora love for another post, y'all.
There are many vast and varied personalities hanging out around here and on the blogs of fellow pals.
Want examples? Sure you do.
Let's take my friend Amy. I adore her. She is fearless...two weeks ago she jumped from an airplane. That. Is. The. Coolest. I have a picture of her and Kid Rock on my laptop (as in Amy posing with Kid Rock!). She has the best taste in music (forever in your debt for sending me the link to the new song from The Cure!) and is constantly turning me on to new artists, which makes me very happy. But Amy is also a yoga expert...I can barely spell "yoga," much less contort my body into the required positions. Hey Amy, what's Babar doing in that final pose? 'Cause I think he left yoga and headed straight for the Kama Sutra. For Soloists. Ahem.
Amy and I also share different political views, and ya know what? It's not an issue. Seriously. Go ask her. We're too into the music and Jason/Johnny love to even discuss it. Besides...she can never break up with me because I know one of her biggest secrets of all time...she's stuck with me. Regardless of what happens November 4th.
Then there's Scargosun. I want to drink beer and eat crab legs with her at the beach. She has a beautiful dog (I'm a cat person--oh, the horror!), does not have children, cooks with delicious organic and locally grown produce, and also has political passions that differ from mine. Where is our common bond? Two words: Tim Curry.
OK, more than two words: Jason Statham (she's one of the few in my life, I might add, who get him as I do), Clue, and her "Island" concept that I now use as my own, while crediting her, of course. I think we would be friends in "real life," because let's face it...Tim Curry is bigger than any red or blue state...his ans look past the colors, as a general rule. I'm just keeping it real here, people.
I can't mention my bloggy "circle" without showing love to one of my first bloggy pals, the famous Insane Mama. She constantly cracks me up, amazes me with her writing talents, and is always quick to offer encouragement & a kind word when I need it most. And oh yeah--she sent me a t-shirt from the Booger Hollow Convenience store in Blairsville, Georgia, which is less than 5 minutes away from where some of our best friends live. Yet I never thought to stop and grab a t-shirt from this most esteemed locale. Thank God for Insane Mama & her generous self!
She sits high atop my pedestal of utter coolness. Yet Insane Mama and I have completely different lives. She has about 37 children, all of whom are gorgeous. (She makes pretty babies, I tell ya...and she really doesn't have 37 kids. It just seems that way!) She lives in California, a world apart from my teeny, tiny mountain town, with her guy, Chris, both of whom are big lovers of the great outdoors. So. Not. Me. But Insane Mama and I have loads we willingly share...the delicious Sawyer from Lost, Edward, Land Shark, and Mary Modern, to mention a few. Are we completely different? Yes. But are we also completely the same? Totally. I dig that. And I dig her.
What is my blogging circle? Evangelical Christians, Atheists, Jews, Mormons, Church of the I-Don't-Go. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, the Plaid Party (she totally has my vote!), the Green Party, and I-Could-Care-Less-About-Politics. Moms who work inside the home, moms who work outside the home. Singles and married folks. Children raisers and empty nesters. City slickers and country bumpkins. Homeschoolers, public schoolers, and private schoolers. Twilighters and People Who Aren't Right in the Head. (Kidding. Kind of. But not really.) (Let us pause for the obligatory shout-out here. And please, by all means...feel free to SWOON!)
Wow, it's a myriad of characteristics, traits, and belief systems that might typically separate a specific group of people in "the real world." Yet here we are, blogging away, making our rounds, checking in on each other's lives, building relationships, and just having fun. Isn't that what all of this should be about, anyway? I prefer to believe that we are birds of a feather, regardless of whom we're voting for, where we worship (or choose not to), marital status or whether we have 3.5 children or none at all. And I refuse to ruffle feathers. I hate controversy and confrontation. We are not good bedfellows.
Do I have a blogging circle? Yes, I suppose I do. And it's a very big circle. Huge. Enormous, in fact. It regularly grows in width as well as respect, friendship, fun, and love. And if this circle I'm a part of ever ceases to be all that I've described here, I'll be the first to bow out gracefully.
I'm Lula and I approved this message.
*Thanks, Kat, for inspiring my title. Do you think folks are heading for the hills?
*fainting now*
Oh, where was I? (got distracted by that Twilight pic!)
Awesome post! I agree wholeheartedly and apparently I'm in the exact same blogging circle you are!
I truly love this blogosphere. I love the differences as well as the similarities. Great post!
This is an awesome post, I was a little worried yesterday, (not really), so yes it's true, I will roe roe roe my vote and you won't and it's all good. Who care's right? Music and Twilight are a just a few of the ties that bind. That and that secret you know. ;)
As for Babar, he is doing plow pose. His trunk makes the whole thing slightly questionable. But go Babar, you get all over your bad self with your whacked out plow pose. Yoga is cool.
me...i'm a part of your circle of friends. and because you're you, you'll have known what song that is before you even got to the end of the lyric, and by now migrated to your favorite paul simon song. and, you'll know if edie and paul are still married. are they? nah. couldn't be.
Great post! I'd never thought about what circle I blog in, didn't even realize there were circles. I'll tell you what, though, I'm glad to be in yours!
Lula you are a hoot. You go girl!! So isn't that what is all about anyway, meeting and befriending all flavors and varities. I can't wait to meet you.
*sniff*... you didn't mention the Plaid Party... *sniff*
Hi...I am visiting from Insane Mama...Great post! I agree...
Last night a co-worker asked what this "flogging" is all about.
After I cleaned up the coffee I spewed all over the place, I proceeded to tell him, in my words.
Next time, I'm just gonna refer people to this post. 'Cause this IS what it's all about.
I've found blogging circles to be limiting and tend to avoid them. I prefer blogs that go all over the place. Like me.
Awww Lula that was a great post. And I also I need to mention. That it took me less than 24 hours to complete Twilight. I loved it and am going by Target on my way home to get the second one. You have created a monster.
Oh Lula! You made my day with this post. I often think about this circle of bloggers thing too and I am SO glad you are in mine and I am in yours. EXELLENT pic of Mr. Curry btw. You is time for Rocky Horror soon. ;)
Lula. I think that you are delusional. I am not sure why you think that this post will ruffle feathers. Or that this is the post that will finally cause you to lose your readership. Delusional. I think you need a few more peanut m&ms. Because this is an amazing post. Amazing. Because to me...this is what blogging is all about. It is about making connections over things that are "more real" than what we seem to make connections with in our "real" lives. And that is why I blog. And that is why you and I get each other. Well..except for your delusions :-)
I'm thrilled to be part of your non-existent blog circle. You brought Twilight to my life, so nothing you could say would ruffle my feathers.
And I love to read about people's differences as much as I love reading about our similarities...guess that's what I think blogging is all about.
wow- great post. it's funny how i never thought i'd be able to make friends in front of a computer screen, but definitely have!
ahem. and i LOVE jason statham.
I get it. I get you. I love it. I love you.
Well, I know that I am only in your blogging circle due to our drop dead good looks ;)
And now I must go plan your presidential campaign. You are a uniter! you've got me thinking of the company I keep in the blogosphere. Great post!
Oh, btw, yes I do sing "She Bop" to my girls and yep, I know it has a "funny" hidden meaning. But hey, their women, shouldn't they be exposed to this stuff sooner or later? LOL
All right that's it. I'm outta here.
The whole Babar thing creeped me out, and I'm just not sure that we can be friends anymore because of it.
Just kidding!!
I love you and your sweet and adorable non-partisan blog circle!
Awesome post, I really love it. Sometimes I think I am not in the 'in crowd' when it comes to blogging, but you and many others have made me feel great about myself and my blog (no matter how lame I think it is sometimes) Thanks for that :D
Lula. You just RAWK ON with your bad cat-person self!!
Great post!!!
I don't know where I would be without my bloggy pals. Srsly. Life would be soooo dull.
I will forgive the non-mention of me in your circles because you shouted me out in the beginning. People, I swear to you that I rendered her silent on the phone for like, 2 seconds. True story. I am going to go ahead and put myself in the "Perioding Publicly and Messily" circle.
I love your blog and try to read it everyday. But if I don't I spend the time to get caught up. You seem like the type of person that I would be friends with in "Real Life". I think it is because I can relate to you and your inspiring words. I have learned that you can be friends with people despite your politicl views and religious background. Difference is what makes the world go around and keeps us learning everyday. Thanks for keeping your blog so funny, light hearted and all around "Real". Off subject, I am so flying to where ever the heck Booger Hollow is to get me a t-shirt. That is hilarious!!! Keep it coming sista!!
Blogging circle, huh? I love the way that you can have so many internet friends from different walks of life, yet still enjoy each other's writings, and realize you have things in common. Who knew I would be great blogging friends with a Mormon? Or worse yet, a Democrat? Anyway, yes, I know these things become non-issues. It's cool.
Ahhh...what a great post. Although I think Babar needs to find a room. I'm hoping I'm not part of the not-right-in-the-head group. Just kidding, kind of, uh..not really. :) Have I ever told you that when my hubby and I went to Hawaii last year we scoured the island until we found THE island? Yep, the complete set and we thought we were in heaven. Alas...the actors weren't there, but we had fun pretending to be tailies or maybe we were the others...
so funny and your loyal all over the world blog circle made it to my blog yesterday... I had 105 people visit... more than Blog Around the World... ha ha
so popular you are! and that picture of Edward and Bella... oh my I need to go tell my husband I love him...
Does that mean we are friends? I often wonder if I would be friends with blogging buddies in real life. I think YES for sure I would.
Lula, this is one of my favorite posts of yours. You said all the things I have felt & thought since I started blogging but couldn't put into words. The differences do seem to stop once we "sign in" and that is the beauty of it. And when the differences do exist on screen, it's also what attracts us to each other. Awesome post!!!!
Thanks for the awesome shout out! You know, the "not right in the head" one. ;)
Were you trying to say Babar is giving himself a BJ?
I'm a slow, simple person. I need these things spelled out for me.
I really do like this post though. It's all true and I feel the same way. All kinds of different people who always seem to find a common ground somewhere. And if they don't, they keep it to themselves.
Later skater!
Thanks for not including me in your blogging circle...I'm not ready for people to know about us just yet.
My blogging circle is geared toward ferret lovers everywhere...I don't know HOW I ended up with all these mommy bloggers. They drive me nuts. But I am glad I found at least one other ferret lover out there...just another reason why I love you so much Lula.
hope I am considered part of your circle....signed, debby
SO...... I get NO love in your circle of friends?
That hurts woman! our only saving grace for now is that you love 'my love.'
You had beter think of something to make up for leaving me out!
I don't know if I belong to a blogging circle more like a blogging spiral, an ever growing spiral with a few favorites in the middle.
Thank you so much for this post - I love you despite your right-wing, Fox 'News' watching, Palin loving traits! Haha!! I know there are many who must overlook my 'left' traits, too!
Everybody just loves Lula.
And what was Babar's illustrator thinking??
It's like tracking down all the coolest people across the country, and sometimes even the world! I never dreamed that there would be so many people who "get me" until I discovered blogging. I hear ya Lula!. Never thought I'd be friends with someone who spelled their name with a !, but I'm glad I am ;)!
I enjoy getting to know a little bit about people who otherwise I may never talk to in my small and limited world. I love reading your blog and think you are so hilarious. AND I will miss Insane Mama. It makes me want to cry!
I never knew there was such a thing as a blogging circle. Lordy, Lordy. Good thing I'm not a joiner. I'm like you, my peeps are ALL over the place.
I am so not a joiner -- my Google reader is very eclectic, but about 90% of those who read my blog fall into one category. I think this means I am failing in my quest to be interesting, inspiring and entertaining. Well drat.
We are so destined to meet on - I'm pretty sure when I die, I'm going to Sephora. Glad I'll be in good company.
Supposed to be getting my CrackLiture Basket any second now - I can't wait!!
This was a great idea for a post...and I wanted to say THANK YOU for my favorite things package. Sorry it took so long for me to say thanks but I LOVED IT. I now have some new favorites...and I will be putting a post up soon (a funny story about TWILIGHT) hopefully tonight about my package. Also, I adore Jason Statham...Transporter is one of my secret favorites. :)
Fabulous blog title! And subject! Really great!! Screw blog circles, let's all be friends. :o)
Well said sister.
Uh, yeah, I'd say your circle is huge! Since like every single SiTS girl named you on blogathon day!!!
Uh, yeah, I'd say your circle is huge! Since like every single SiTS girl named you on blogathon day!!!
Hi! I saw your comment about "Twilight" on Kori's blog. I just finished the first book last week and I'm into about a third of the second. So what do you think about the series? I'd love to get a group together to discuss.
Nice blog!
Please don't forget your poor little circle of Lee County Peeps! We loved ya first! Ha! Keep posting, you are wonderful!
This is a great post girl.
What I love about blogging is that we get to know one another without all that external stuff.
Did Heather say "Flogging"...ahahahahahahaha.... that is hysterical.
I'm right there with you...except for the controversy part. You know I love that and gots to have some every once in a while. In fact, I feel a rant coming, on precisely 05 November...
Wait, after reading Kat's comment I'm wondering. Has someone criticized you or your circle? Are you defending yourself with this post?
Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm finally catching up on your piece of the blogosphere. Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Been missing ya! :-)
I agree with Rhea...let's all be friends!
Why haven't you solved this world peace issue??
I'm just about in tears (the Twilight photo made me swoon and I stopped to sigh)because I've been saying the stuff you just said for years now and almost no one gets it. One of my best friends online is completely opposite of me in the political world, she has a belly ring for Pete's sake, but I love her and we have Buffy and Angel together. I could go on and on-- I love the DIFFERENCES in my friends, old and new. Who the heck wants to hang out with people that are THE SAME- I found you through BATW and I think I might have to keep you-- or your blog--you know, I wasn't trying to be creepy or anything:)
That is a really funny question! I think only one blog I read is someone who is actually like me (single girl, working in business, travels fairly frequently). I love reading blogs of people with children, newlyweds, teachers, stay at home moms, wannabe comedians, etc. I think its more fun to read about people who live so differently from me and then realize that no matter what "circle" you belong to, there are truly a lot of similarities!
It amazes me at all the awesomely cool, funny, smart people I've "met" since starting my blog...
I have a pretty varied blogging circle too. Among women that is. I only have a few men that care to follow my ridiculousness. I've LOVED being a part of YOUR circle! :)
I love this post, Lula. Does it count that I picked up a copy of Twilight to read the cover while standing in line at the bookstore? Maybe one of these days if I find an extra 24 hours.
Lulu, I clicked on a link from notsosahm, why because she mentioned you and twilight in the same sentence. I'm so glad to see someone else that is in love with it as much as me.
Hunger Games, loved it! I went out and bought it the week after Stephenie suggested it. I can't wait for more in that series. Loved your post. I'm adding you to my reader!
Oh yes, I forgot to say, I did a post a week or so ago about my 3 most recent pics of the movie and that kissing scene was one of them. Swoon!
Imagine my delight finding a picture of Tim Curry on your blog! I am revelling in his hotness...
After I get through your posts, I am officially caught up on commenting for the last week and a half! Wa-hooooo!!
I loved the babar yoga picture. I wonder tis possible to use that picture in my new kids yoga blog?
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