Had I my druthers, we bloggy folks would all live in one of those planned communities where we could stop in on each other in at any given moment, drink pumpkin spice lattes, watch the latest episode of True Blood, and pawn our children off on each other. And wouldn't we have fabulous weekend cook-outs and holiday block parties? And then we'd pawn our children off on each other. It'd go something like this:
"Debbie, I need to run 3 errands and would you please watch my kids for 1 hour and I swear I'll never do this to you again but I will bring you a Diet Coke with lemon, thankyousomuch!"
And Debbie would be all, "Absolutely...but bring a bottle of wine, 'cause I'll be far beyond Diet Coke by the time you return." OK, my dear...gotcha covered.
But we don't reside in blog utopia. We are scattered near and far, working jobs both inside and outside the home, managing kids, managing husbands, neglecting our need for a pedicure, and generally feeling worn out half the time. Girls...we need a break. We need some good, quality time with our bloggy buds. Yes, we do.
My blog pals, Jyl and Carissa, are geniuses. Recognizing the need for fun, adult conversation, these two created a Twitter Girls Night Out, or Mommy Gossip-GNO, which is its official title. What is Twitter, you ask? What is Mommy Gossip--GNO? The links are there for a reason--please, GO! Check 'em out. The Mommy Gossip--GNO site explains this far better than I could, but I will add my own two cents...it's a brilliant idea and loads of fun.
Tonight at 9 pm Eastern, 6 pm Pacific, (those of you in the middle can figure the rest out!) I will be twittering along with a great gaggle of fabulous girls. We'd love for you to join us. I'm actually honored to be a part of tonight's big event, because Jyl & Carissa approached me last week and said, "We want to have a Halloween/Vampire themed-GNO on Tuesday, the 28th, and since Stephenie Meyer was unavailable, we would like you to be our Guest Tweeter. We're gonna discuss all things Twilight. So naturally we came to you, the next best thing to Stephenie herself!"
OK. I fess up. That's not how I was approached. I believe Jyl wanted to say, "Since you are so obsessed and freaky over this book and the impending movie, will you grace us with your uber-geek status and help us do this thing on Twitter? You total nerd, you." Of course Jyl has much more grace and tact than this...but deep down, I'm certain this was what she was thinking.
And y'all know me...I kind of have a thing for Twilight. Or had you not heard?
Oh my head, it's Chapter 13. The Meadow scene. I really don't have that entire chapter memorized. I'm not that big of a geek. Ahem. (Page 282 is my favorite.) Cough-cough.
I am officially inviting y'all to join us over on Twitter tonight. I know a lot of you haven't discovered the joy of Tweeting, and that's fine and dandy--the Mommy Gossip--GNO site explains the procedure clearly. Come...share some grown-up conversation with us. Kick back, have fun, and make new friends. Even if you're not a Twlight fan, I encourage you to take part with us...because you know a group of women of any size won't stay on one particular topic for too long. We're known for our rabbit trails.
Oh...and if you Tweet with us tonight, you will be officially entered in a special giveaway. (This one is separate from the other giveaway I'm running--that winner will be announced on Thursday, by the way!) I thought it would be appropriate to spread even more Twilight love by giving away two newly released companion guides to our world of Edward and Bella:

The second book is brand new--it's being released today, and I think it's something we all need to add to our growing collection of Twilight love. Amen.

Ooooh, look at that--it's all unauthorized and stuff. Makes me feel a bit naughty & rebellious.
This is now the longest invitation I've ever extended...to anyone...in my life. People, are you feeling my love? My joy? It's all for you. From me. With love.
Tweet, Twitter, never done it. It's like dangling heroin in front of a crack addict isn't it? Are you trying to get my home condemned due to neglect?
Well, since I just joined twitter yesterday, maybe I should join you guys.
And this planned community... do they have a homeowner's association? Cause if I can't paint my new house purple, I'm not moving to the neighborhood. Even if I get the chance to pawn my children off on Debbie.
Me eather( Ive checked it out, but just dont get it really(Twittter that is) and this twilight series, I keep hearing about it... My 14 yo mentioned it to me, is it to explicit for kidsAnd thanks, now I want a diet with lemon and a pedi!!! ;) L A
For sure the crack thing..um..I think I'm the dealer on the corner reeling 'em in!
As long as you haven't totally disowned me...Like I am soooo ready to see the movie.
I plan to be just a little bit snarky during the GNO tonight on twitter. But just a little.
Um..the chick to play Bella? What were they thinking? MY DAUGHter was available..ahem.
THANKSTHANKSTHANKSTHANKS for being the guest tweet. We totally plan to send more linky love than you can handle...And I KNOW what you can handle.
Community living, indeed?
I just know you want to rig this for me. I just know it.
You're so fab.
And why am I up at 2 in the morning you ask?
I got spammed.
I am a True Blood fan-addict!
I know you are into vampires, but I thought it might me too 'racy' for your sweet southern belle-ness.
I am not a Twitter, but I would join for a discussion about that show!
I think that would be 3am my time... really Lulu, didn't you think of your overseas friends? *sigh* I guess not. Can I still be in the contest? I will think of you while I am sleeping....
Oh and please email me explaining this whole twitter thing... I don't get it and when would I have time to do it? I am so confused... I will be awaiting your guidance julie(dot)anderson(at)ccci(dot)org
I signed up for the GNO yesterday! Looking forward to tonight - woo hoo!
If I participate, you are totally NOT going to pick me cuz I don't like Edwards hair... ;0)
Sounds like fun! Hope I can get it together and be there. That means I have to figure out the twitter thingy and the GNO thingy, oh no, but I'll try.
I love,love,love, page 282 and page 362. They both make me stop breathing for minute.
I am on chapter 8 of The Hunger Games. Moving along a little slow on this one but good read, thanks.
Again, I am completely worried that in that meadow...THERE IS NO SUN! He is not sparkly at all. At. All. They better not have ruined that. They better be laying in the shade right there. He better open his shirt like he does in the book! Lula, oh Lula, do you think we will be disappointed?
Get a hold of yourself Sissy, of course the movie will be good! But if not, at least you'll be in good company!
Ahem. About the Jason Statham comment on my blog...if he wants some of 'dis, I ain't gonna stop him. Then I'll pass him onto you. You know I love you cause that's what REAL friends do. I'll call you.
Man, I hate that I have to work tonight! While you all are twittering Twilight, I will likely be: a) saving lives
b) cleaning up poop
c) all of the above.
Ah, the glamorous life of an ICU nurse...
Twitter some for me, will ya?
(I am loving that meadow photo, by the way. Oh, Edward...)
I totally agree with tattooedminivanmom! Just what I need another reason to neglect my house and kids to be on the computer even more!! LOL. I haven't done the twitter thing. I guess I will have to figure it out.
Okee dokey-- I'm SO there. Buy the way, I have now read Twilight two times and New Moon twice-- Eclipse is on it's way here. This is all within two weeks. I kid you not. I read ALOT and I have never read a book twice in two weeks.
Have fun tonight! I'll be meeting Gregory Maguire :-)
I just finished Breaking Dawn last night. I can't believe the series has ended - I am sad!
I linked to you in my post today - check it out.
I signed up for GNO tonight. You know I'm all about some Twilight. And I just doubled my tweets. Whoa.
And you just had to go and remind me of this...
I swear it cracks me up.
I LOVE you. You know I do. I LOVE Twilight, I LOVE Lost. I LOVE Blue Moon, I LOVE Jason Statham, and I LOVE you! So please forgive me if I can't bring myself to Twitter. I just can't.do.it :) But I love ya, have I mentioned that?
P.S. And I love the planned community and I would so bring you Blue Moon and casseroles.
I'm soooo gonna try to be there tonight at 9 p.m. I'm starving for some talk about the "sick, masochistic lion and his lamb....:)"Chapter 13 (don't know what page since my momma is reading the books right now.)
I also need to have these books in my home, so consider me there tonight. Why did Mrs. Meyer not decide to release this movie on October 31st? Would that not have been more perfect than stupid November 21st? What was she thinking?
I'll be there for part of it.
Maybe I'll ask the question why does the Twilight marketing campaign seem to hate Edward so much, and choose the pictures that make him look as unattractive as possible?
I had heard you are tweeting tonight on GNO. I KNOW it'll be a great one. Carissa and Jyl's GNO had gotten SO popular, and they picked the best of the best tonight. :)
I have a confession to make. I just finished Breaking Dawn and I loved it. But that's not the confession. The confession is that I didn't really fall in love with the books until the last one. I mean, I liked the rest. A lot. But, I didn't feel that holy cow, LOVE, until Breaking Dawn. I don't know if it was because I knew there was more awaiting me after each of the others or what. But now I am so excited to see the movie and every time I see a picture I get a little fluttery.
Anyhoo, I'll try to stop by the twitter thing tonight, although I've never twittered before so I should probably start trying to figure it out now...
I'm so ready for tonight, I had my cake made, and I got my Alice costume out woot woot!
We SHOULD have our own real Utopia. I think it would be great to have all those people together, moms, non moms, singles etc. It would be the ultimate diverse community.
This is odd- I just blogged about Twilight today, and how I'm just not part of the rest of the obsessed world. I guess this is my chance to see what the fuss is about!
Sooooo excited for tonight! Loved this post. And just to clarify... I am a passionate person myself, so no geeky thoughts of you here ;)!!!
Have a great day! "See" you tonight at Twitter.
I'm e-mailing you in a sec. Check there soon :).
I can't wait until tonight's gno. It is going to be so much fun!
All things Twilight talk, I love it! And unauthorized...ohh, makes me feel dirty. I like it.
I can hardly stay away from y'all when I'm home...I can't imagine having access to any of you while I'm on the go :)!!!
It sounds like a super fun idea though!
And as far as your bloggy commune---I bet we could start it somewhere down in Southern Utah. Those kinds of things are totally acceptable down there ;)!
Well, seeing as though I have an injured bird, my sister in town and my parents over for dinner I may NOT be able to join the fun tonight, but I will catch up on it! TRUST ME!
You have serious issues! But I luv ya! I got the companion!
Ahhh, six o'colck...right during the Witching Hour at my house...homework, dinner, baths...I'll TRY. Thanks for the gargantuan invite! ;)
Awesome Giveaways - thanks SO much!!! I'd love to be entered!
JP's comment is cracking me up...about our commune being located in So Utah...
Oh you know I would take care of those beauties...and then when you got home there wouldn't be one ounce of diet coke consumed...no sir...we would pull out the SIMI RESERVE sister...Only the best for you and me ;)
I am going to be catching up in the next few days...real life has just taken over for the last week!
Ooooh....I think I need that 2nd book!
Twilight fans UNITE!
OH Lula, I had to work today and work would not let me open your blog. Now that I have found you, you are like an addiction. I would have so loved to tweet in the little GNO twitter fest but alas, I now must go to be b/c the call of ICU patients in early and I have to go the that cess-pool, I mean work once again tomorrow. I am sorry that I missed it. I hope you understand and please forgive me for reading your blog last. ;)
I would love to join you on Twitter but I have too many SITStas to thank!
And in case I didn't let you know, I have been converted and I'm now a Twilight addict :) I'm getting ready to pick of the 3rd book.......and I can't wait for the movie!!!
Thanks for stopping by during my featured blog time!
Ok, so I'm running late this evening and am now seeing that the GNO started well over an hour ago. Sigh. I'll just have to go catch up on my reading and see what you guys dished about. I'm sure it was great, as you are our Twilight fearless leader.
I think you and I could quickly become best buds. I'm a twilight stalker. By night AND by day.
How do I enter into the giveaway?? =)
Oh, I'd love to have the companion guide to inform our Mother Daughter Book Club Discussion. Pretty Please, with sugar & icing on top!
Yay! This is an awesome giveaway! I tweeted therefore I'm entered at #gno so I guess I'm entered--wooohooo!!
Who is Stephenie Meyer? I thought YOU wrote the Twilight series.
I adore True Blood. Huge fan. HUGE!!!
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