Dear Libbey,
Tomorrow you turn seven years old. It's been almost fourteen years since I've seen your great grandmother, Memaw Roth, yet she is never far from my thoughts because I see her gentleness and goodness in you, every day.
Papaw Raley and Uncle Everett have also been gone almost fourteen years (one day Mommy will tell you all about how 1995 was the worst year of my existence!), but I love that you've inherited their spiritedness and southern charm.
When I think of your great grandfather, Papaw Smith, I am thankful he had three and a half years getting to know and love you. His ability to love without condition has clearly been passed down to you.
I never knew your great grandfather, "Frank," but it's apparent from all the stories we've heard that your sense of humor is pure Litton, through and through.
I often wonder if Mamaw Raley and Aunt Doris, now in Heaven, are fully appreciating your obsessive love of shoes and jewelry, your burgeoning fashion sense, and your hope that one day, like the rest of us Raley women, you will have big boobs, too.
I love that you are my daughter, my firstborn, and my heart. I love that I can see our family's heritage reflected in your smile and in the manner in which you conduct yourself as you grow to be a young lady. I love that these people we hold dear are never far from our hearts...because we see them in you. I love that you have Raley, Roth, Litton, and Smith in you. But more than anything...above all else...I love that I see Jesus in you.
