OK. According to Kim, Kelly and Danyelle (HEY DANYELLE!!! Welcome!) there is a flower-power issue on my site. Or on their views of my site. When I view this blog, the text is on a solid pink background. When the ladies I mentioned above check it out, they are seeing loads of flowers, making it rather difficult to read. First off...sorry. Second, I'm trying to work this out. Please don't give up on me. And Kelly...I finally understand your comment(s). Finally!
Oh, and one more thing. My parents' cat, Boots, died this morning. She was almost 16 and came to live with us the summer of 1993. It's a sad day in the Roth household. And that's all I can say about that.
Papaw Sonny, Boots and Libbey, Summer '07

1. pink background, brown type.
2. Sorry you lost your Boots. We lost our eighteen year old Granny Cat a few months ago.
It is funny how when a cat gets to be anything over the age of three, they look the same in all the pictures. You could lie and say here is one we just took and no one would be the wiser.
3. Why don't we age as well as cats? And if it has something to do with the self grooming tongue, well I didn't come equipt with that.
Enjoying my visits here,
I have the same problem with the background (although I read your blog through google reader, so I don't see it unless I comment), but it's not always this way. Just the other day, it was the flower background, but a solid color that the text was on (sorry.... i don't remember.... what can I say... I'm forgetful).
Sorry to hear about the kitty. I used to have a kitty named boots when we lived over on Sandra Ave in 2nd grade! He definitely didn't make it to 16 years though.... darn dogs next door. :(
Hey there - same thing with the background. I never mentioned it because I just assumed it was me, lol.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of a loved one. I've always taken the death's of furbabies especially hard, and I grew up in a household that held many a Fur Funeral. Again, sorry. I'm sure Boots is napping in the sun on a fresh pile of laundry up in kitty heaven.
This layout is so much better! I just tagged you on my blog!
Wow! I can read it! And I love the green!
Thanks for telling about our Boots on your blog. It was really a sad day for me as I loved her so much and much more than I realized. At least she is not suffering anymore. I like to think she is in "cat heaven"...sleeping like a baby!
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