Around the blogosphere I've seen many "year in review" posts, or "favorite pictures from 2008" and that type thing. I love these kinds of posts. They are fun and informative and enjoyable.
But I'm not going that route. Not today.
Instead, I'm going to post pictures that I did not blog about this past year. Oh, it's all blogworthy stuff, rest assured. Maybe I was just too busy writing about Twilight...or Jason Statham...or know, really important subject matters. For whatever reason, the events below escaped a mention on Lulaville. Until now.
I present to you: Neglected Events of 2008!
Certain bloggers got together in California to see a certain movie based on a certain book we all know and love. (Love you and you!) After the movie, a fantastic meal enjoyed al fresco and a trip to Home Goods, we had to stop for some nighttime nutrition. I photographed a bit of the bagged goodies. Because that's how I am. (TatMiniMom, you reveal what else was bought amongst the Filipinos and you die. I can take you, ya know?)
We live on almost 18 acres of rolling land and I'm often asked what we do with a "yard" that big. Well, we farm it. We are hay farmers. Yes, people, it is an actual, agricultural commodity. What do you think cattle eat? So we grow our fields...then Poppy (with a little help from Libbey) and our friends, Seth and Howard , cut the growth...fluff it up a bit, place it in rows, then bale away. We're part of the circle of life, we Litton Family Hay Farmers. Our contribution is the lowest on the food chain, which is completely appropriate given that it is us, after all.
Seriously, is that crepe myrtle not gorgeous? It's called "Watermelon." And yeah, so it sheds and drops teeny tiny watermelon-hued blossoms in the pool, but I can deal. Oh, that's my brother-in-law, Robbie. I'm expecting a phone call from him any minute. It will be filled with choice, four-letter words after he sees this. Love you, Robbie.
I have proof that Sweet Caroline is, in fact, sweet. Some of the time. Look at that face, I beg of you. She's (and Libbey) my life...I'd die for her. She might be our spitfire girl, as I've frequently had to blog, but for all the tears and potty-training refusals and vaseline misuses, she's still our Sweet Caroline.
Back in October Rhea was all, "I put pink streaks in my hair!" Not to be outdone, I put pink streaks in mine & promptly sent her this picture. But while Rhea's was permanent (and rather awesome, I must add), mine washed out later on that evening. You should've seen the looks I garnered when picking up Libbey from school with my pink 'do. Ahhhhhh...small town living at its finest.

Because I'm not opposed to some bragging, I have to share one of my favorite highlights from last year. If this sounds competely superficial and changes your opinion of me...oh well! Let go and let God, I always say. This is the rooftop pool of the Hilton Austin, where I spent 3 days completely by myself while my husband attended boring medical meetings. No kids. My own lounge chair and side table. The pool bar mere steps away. Ninety-five degree temperatures. Plenty of delicious-smelling Coppertone SPF 30. And every mesmerizing word of Breaking Dawn, the ending of my 11 month long wait, and the completion of the saga. A much-needed mommy vacation. In a word it was perfection, y'all. Perfection.
(OK, so I did kind of blog about the whole pool scenario in Austin...but it was mostly about the book and not about my lazy self spending hours doing nothing but reading, aka my dream vacation scenario.)
As Kat is famous for asking, what about you? What didn't you blog about this past year? Share, please. Or, even better, go post. See how much fun it is? Truly.
Go read "Lost Horizon" by James Hilton before Lost starts again.
Okay...what I did not blog about. Well...pretty much everything is fair game. Especially if I get a picture.
I was not allowed to blog about my book club weekend. Full of wine, puking, and porno.
And I haven't blogged about my inlaw issues. Because I am trying to not go there. OR let my kiddos know that I do go there. Especially after running into my SIL at the mall and having her turn her back on me.
I've been missing you Lula! Pink highlights are so you! Indianola would have a field day if I got pink hair...I'm talkin car wrecks and cell phone service black outs. HMMM....that could be fun.
I've been missing you Lula! Pink highlights are so you! Indianola would have a field day if I got pink hair...I'm talkin car wrecks and cell phone service black outs. HMMM....that could be fun.
I love that pink hair, i was just mesmorized by this girl in HomeGoods who had the hottest pinkest hair ever. I loved it.
What didn't I blog about? Hmm... You know...
This is a great post. I thought and thought about doing an '08 post, but I never got around to it. I suppose if I do it before the end of this month it'll still count, right?
Love the pink highlights :)
Since I am approaching post #300, I'm pretty I've blogged about every little thing that has happened this year. Except the boring stuff, and the fact that I have a cleaning lady.
You know me; I'm pretty much an open book.
I wish I could've been at that pool in Austin with you. I'm a nurse; couldn't Scotty "hire" me and bring me along, too? Sometimes you get sick when you're out in the sun too long, and you might need my expert nursing care, right? Just sayin'...
So glad to be back in the swing of things today. Off to workout, then grocery shop, then take Gabe to school and finish making my giveaway for tomorrow. 2 1/2 hours of alone time = pure bliss.
Most of the stuff I didn't blog about is stuff that's too private or boring. I certainly didn't avoid embarrassing stuff. I can't believe you didn't post about the pink hair! That's good stuff! I absolutely, positively, undoubtedly need a weekend like you had in Austin. I just need to figure out how to talk the hubs into it.
Hay there! (coudn't resist)
And what a year it was huh?!?!
Love the pink hair girl!!!!!!! And 3 days by the pool is perfection! But so is that face on your sweet little girl. Happy New Year!
I could only imagine 3 days by the pool by myself!!!! We did go to vegas for three days but the pool was definitly not by ourselves. We got the LAST lounge chairs that day. UGH
Lula ~ My husband grew up on a hay farm. Well, they moved before junior high school, but he spent his elementary years amid the hay. His favorite job was chasing the coyotes away while riding on his motor scooter.
And I'm glad you included the neglected photos. Great post!
Tons and tons I neglected to blog about. But, I'm just lazy that way.
Oh and I ADORE Mad Men. Best show around right now.
If you ever, EVER come to Texas again without visiting me, I will hunt you down something.
I loved your pink streaks!
And I had no idea you guys had hay. That's awesome.
And I love your crepe myrtle. And your brother-in-law is going to kill you.
Oh, I don't blog about my secret identity. I can't say much about it here, because, you know, it's SECRET, but I'm superhero.
Yes, you do live in a small town where everyone knows one another. I had forgot about your pink hair! That picture of Caroline is not give up on her potty training...she will do it! I have faith in her...
The pink hair is so hawt.
I pretty much blog about whatever is on my mind. Sometimes things get left out if I'm trying to protect the innocent...and then the people involved actually ASK me to blog about it. Whats up with that??
Oh and I try not to bitch too much.
Not much I haven't blogged about. Open book. That's me.
Not much! I became a total open book in 2008! I did spare people (mostly my children) from gory divorce details, as I am now sparing them from too sappy new boyfriend details---but I actually posted a picture of me with my fist stuck in my mouth, so...yeah...can't say I held back much :)
Love that pink hair dahlink!
I now totally want pink hair and time alone by the pool. Maybe I will have to combine the two for a spa weekend get away. Mmmm.....
that pool looks amazing. I am so there this summer. hahaha
I totally wish my mom would have let me have pink hair at that age. So not fair!
Um... some things are best left unblogged about.
If I blogged about everything that crossed my mind I would both be in prision and not have many friends.. :)
I've always felt the crepe myrtle under-appreciated as a landscaping centerpiece because they are so common place in our area. Your watermelon crepe myrtle (or lagerstroemia indica for you Gardening by the Yard fans)is very beautiful and has inspired me to blog about this subject or some facsimile very soon.
You know you are filled with anticipation at the very thought...
Ha! I told Adam that I was going to get pink streaks in my hair and he says "Cool". I haven't done it yet though! That is cool you have hay. I go help Adam's uncle put up hay in the spring.
I blogged about everything good and bad...except bitching about my mom, sister and husband because they read me...and I don't want to hurt their feelings.
I do that vicariously through other people's sites and comments.
I complain, therefore I am.
OK, what a fantastic idea.
I forgot to tell you though. I'm still mad at you. You know, for neglecting to invite me to your soiree with those other two when you were only like a hour from my house. sniff sniff.
I didn't blog about that. :) j/k.
Seriously, loved seeing what you didn't blog about!
Don't know if you remember or not but I twittered with you while you were in Austin enjoying that pool. That is exactely how I envisioned you. Life is good! The things I didn't talk about are Chris' kids because hisex wife would kill me. However, I only have good things to say about them, they are adorable and lots of fun.
Graceling? On my way.
Love the pink hair even if it was only there for a day. Over the summer my sister Kate & I bought ourselves crazy color extensions. She got pink and I got a very dark red. Her hair is blonde, mine is nearly black -- anyway we felt like rockstars walking around Hollywood with our extensions in. It was much fun and the color change was awesome.
And they last, I still have mine hanging sweetly in a closet waiting to be worn to the next big party.
I love where you spent your time reading Breaking Dawn too. Perfection.
My whole life I thought hay was always bailed in rectangles, and stacked like bricks. It wasn't until I was an adult, visiting Missouri, when I saw hay all rolled up like that. I love it when I learn something new!
There's tons I never got around to blogging about. So I've got a bunch of photos on my computer and even more stuff floating around in my head. Yippee for my readers ... it will never stop!
How is it you always know about teen fiction? Do you ever go into the adult section, poor lula? I picked up Graceling for the library a couple weeks ago.
We bought season 4 of the Office for Christmas and I spent three glorious days having a marathon in my pajamas. I did not read anything. I hang my head in shame.
I may just end up stealing this idea from you...
You're so unique. My favorite is the first picture. Don't know why. Maybe it's the South Beach Diet that makes me think the picture is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Well hell, if I knew what I had not blogged about yet, I would have blogged about it already 'cause I never know what to blog about.
Can't wait for Lost and New Moon. I saw a November 2009 release date!!! But I am sure you already know that, 'cause I can't tell you anything Twilight Saga that you don't already know, right?
I thought that last link was for me and I was all "I don't ever say that...boy Lula really is reaching to shout me out." And then I clicked on it and realized it wasn't for me at all.
I would have given my left arm to join you at that pool.
I love that you have a picture of the bag.
I just love you.
I need a vacation by a pool...and a burrito...
I had to reread that sentence about Poppy and plowing fields.
Oh, that's Grandpa's name! Not the actual crop.
Got it.
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