Dear Libbey,
Tomorrow you turn seven years old. It's been almost fourteen years since I've seen your great grandmother, Memaw Roth, yet she is never far from my thoughts because I see her gentleness and goodness in you, every day.
Papaw Raley and Uncle Everett have also been gone almost fourteen years (one day Mommy will tell you all about how 1995 was the worst year of my existence!), but I love that you've inherited their spiritedness and southern charm.
When I think of your great grandfather, Papaw Smith, I am thankful he had three and a half years getting to know and love you. His ability to love without condition has clearly been passed down to you.
I never knew your great grandfather, "Frank," but it's apparent from all the stories we've heard that your sense of humor is pure Litton, through and through.
I often wonder if Mamaw Raley and Aunt Doris, now in Heaven, are fully appreciating your obsessive love of shoes and jewelry, your burgeoning fashion sense, and your hope that one day, like the rest of us Raley women, you will have big boobs, too.
I love that you are my daughter, my firstborn, and my heart. I love that I can see our family's heritage reflected in your smile and in the manner in which you conduct yourself as you grow to be a young lady. I love that these people we hold dear are never far from our hearts...because we see them in you. I love that you have Raley, Roth, Litton, and Smith in you. But more than anything...above all else...I love that I see Jesus in you.

Happy birthday to your beautiful girl!
Happy Birthday to your little princess!
awww, she is so darling.
and that was so sweet.
Happy Birthday Libbey!
is she betrothed yet?
he's nine, blonde, blue eyes, the life of the party and is loved by all. But best of all he loves Jesus. Madly.
May we make arrangements?
Yay! Happy Birthday Libby!
January must be a good month to celebrate oldest daughter births. Yours is adorable. And what a loving tribute to your family. Tell her Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, ENJOY your time tomorrow with her :)
Happy Birthday!
Lula, that was beautiful. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful close family. That was such a nice post to read, to hear you remember your grandparents and loved ones.
I hope you all have the most wonderful day today!
I am lovin' that shirt she has on!
She's absolutely beautiful.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl :)
Happy Birthday cutie patootie!
She is gorgeous, and just like my 8 yr. old who always asks if she will have boobs like me some day. Too funny!
happy birthday, libbey!
Happy Birthday Libby Loo!! She is so beautiful.
Happy 7th Birthday Libby.
From your friend Michelle.
Happy Birthday you beautiful girl. You are such a blessing!!!!
Oh Lula. That was beautiful. Only you can take all your rich family history and wonderful memories and lovingly incorporate it into a birthday tribute for your daughter. You always make me want to delve deeper into my family history as well. That was extra special. Happy Birthday to your little beauty!!!!!
Happy Birthday Libbey!
That was such a sweet post, it brought tears to my dry eyes.
Hope the celebrations are very festive...both of them.
awww- sweet post! happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
Hug her tight, Lula...they grow up so quick. Mine's gonna be 9 in less than 2 months.
Usually you make me laugh 'til I am squeezing my knees together to hold in the pee.
Today you made me cry.
This is your sweetest post ever.
I know I only got to meet Libbey for a weekend. But I can agree with you that she is a darling girl, so sweet and beautiful, with Jesus shining right through.
It is truly amazing how previous generations make their way into our children.
I see my dad everyday in Gabe. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes so darn sad that he isn't here to see it for himself.
Have a great weekend celebrating the birth of your first baby. And give me a call when they've all gone home...
Happy birthday sweet Libbey!
Aw, Happy Birthday Libbey.
And good luck on the boobs =-)
I got goosebumps:)
xo Happy Birthday, Libbey! (love from one of mommy's 'edward' friends!)
precious Beautiful 7 year old! I know we've never met in person, but me and my family love you and wish a very happy 7th birthday......
Love, The first lost tooth crew....remember???
That little girl looks like her Mama! Yes. She. Does!
Have a great weekend with your baby:)
Happy Birthday, Libbey!
DUDE... we were totally separated at birth.
And I love you, too.
You have a way with words lady. Happy Birthday to baby girl! ~Enjoy all those 7 year olds~
Happy Birthday to your adorable little 蛇 ... that's the Mandarin character for snake.
She was born in 2002, right? Before Feb. 12? Then she's a snake, which means she is just like her momma - charming and popular. (At least... according to the Chinese zodiac.)
Yea! Happy birthday! What great pics!
you my friend, MUST GO READ GINA"S POST NOW!
the part I found the funniest is that she was on book four of a series that she wasn't going to read.
See what you've done to us.
AAAaaawwww! What a sweet tribute to your daugter and her heritage!
Happy Birthday, Libbey!
Beautiful, Lula. Beautiful.
what a pretty pretty 7 year old!
Happy Birthday Libbey!
May God bless you with wisdom, wit, humility, and yes--BIG BOOBS!
You kill me Lula. Really you do!
Seriously, she was one cute baby! And my goodness is growing into one gorgeous young woman. (Like her mama!) Look out, Scott, this one's going to be a heartbreaker. Isn't it amazing how you can see family traits in kids?
OH, and, of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy birthday, Libbey! She is beautiful and I can see the sweetness in her just shining.
Pretty pretty girl!! Happy Birthday!
What a sweet post. I hope your daughter knows what a great mother she has. Let her know the blogging world wishes her a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to your dear Libbey! Doesn't your heart break just a little with each passing year?
To Libbey, My Future Daughter in Law,
The boy is also hoping you get big boobs.
Love you!
What a beautiful daughter you have and a beautiful post to go along with it.
Happy Birthday.
Simply gorgeous - your daughter, AND your letter.
Happy, Happy Birthday!
She's so pretty:) Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Libbey! Make sure your Mama Bear puts some Pop'rs on your cake!
She's beautiful! What a sweet post.
Maybe we could betroth her to Remy, who also just turned 7.
feliz cumpleanos to libbey! LOVE the pics.
oh and brooke fraiser! YEA! thats some ccm i can get down with.
I love watching little bits of my family being past down and being displayed in my children! I never got the opportunity to really know my grandparents, but seeing my other family members reflected in my two little ones is fascinating to me. I hope I can know my children as well as you know Libbey and express my love to them as you have been able to in this post. :)
Happy Birthday to her!
Leigh, what a wonderful tribute to our little Libbey Loo! She is so precious, beautiful, and talented beyond her years. I am glad I got to be there to celebrate her 7th b'day! I love you, Libbey.
Mamaw Pinky
So sweet. Happy Birthday to Libby,I love how I can see my family in my children
What a beautiful girl Libbey is growing up to be. I know you are so proud of her. And seeing Jesus in her, AMEN! Nothing else matters.
What a beautiful post, and a beautiful girl. I hope she had a Happy Birthday!
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