It was the gasp heard 'round the world...or at all the way over in Colorado.
I stumbled upon these pictures of the movie I'm most anticipating. (And it has nothing to do with vampires or werewolves. Seriously.)
...I'd have a lot of fabulous furniture. Or at least I'd try to sing as well as Bobby Darin.
It's just been one of those days.
From the time I was about nine years old I would beg God, "Please give me a daughter some day. I don't care if you give me seven kids, just please let one of them be a girl...so I can impart my girly wisdom. Make-up, music, boys, fashion...I just really want a daughter, God!"
What's your jam?
I looked at Scott across the table and pleaded, "You've got to help me."
Throughout the history of the world it seems the bad dudes have held a mysterious sway over the girls. And by "history," I mean mine. And by "mine," I mean I've always had a thing for bad boys. Starting with this one:Seriously...Blaine is a "major appliance, not a name." But Steff...oh, Steff...he was my Pretty In Pink crush, baby. Full-on. Even though I was twelve years old at the time, I knew it then. Andrew McCarthy was a cutie pie. But James Spader? Um...yeah...major pre-teen swooning. Steff smoked...Steff did drugs and had wild parties and wrecked his old man's house. I. Loved. Him. Much to my mother's chagrin, of course.
Elsie De Wolfe (who was so fabulous that I will one day devote an entire post to her) once said:
Have I told y'all that I love my BlackBerry, Blanche? I named her "Blanche," because she is attached to my hip, kinda nosey, and all up in everyone's Kool-Aid. Just as I imagine a "Blanche" would be...all pink-haired, gum-chomping, and polyester culotte-wearing Blanche. That's my phone.
And, through no fault of her own, Blanche had a bit of a setback this past weekend. The usual suspects who send multiple texts a day (ok, an hour!) were rather silent on Saturday and Sunday. Like Duckie in Pretty In Pink, I sniffed under my arms and questioned, "Do I offend?"
I'm sad to say goodbye to the month of May...it was full of delicious goodness that made me all kinds of giddy happy. Witness: