Saturday, May 17, 2008


Take a look at the left side of this blog, please. See the "Twitter Me This" category? This, my friends, is Twitter (and those are my Twitter updates). A social networking site, if you will. I follow lots of people on Twitter. Tori, Vicki, Kelly. People I don't know personally, such as world famous blogger, Dooce, or the fellas at Dark UFO, my favorite site for my beloved Lost. Twitter is a fun way to post very short updates as you go throughout your day. Twitter is fabulous for super-nosey people. I am chief among these.

I'd like to know when Debbie has a diet coke with lemon. Beckie, when you find an amazing (or better yet, FREE!) deal, it'd be great to have you drop me a quick line about it so I can get in on it. I love cheap/free. I'd love checking in on Kaley throughout her day, as she grows Baby Boy Ehret and plays with Big Brother Griffin.

In short, I think all my wonderful and beautiful readers need to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. I've heard flattery will get me nowhere, but I'm hoping that doesn't apply in this instance! Twitter is free. It's easy. It's fun. More importantly, I Twitter. What more could you ask for?

This is a cute little video on Twitter 101, if you so desire more information. If you decide this is for you (and really, no excuse you can come up with will appease me--not even "I don't have enough time." I don't either...but I still do this.), be sure to follow my Tweet-Tweets. I'm Lula34.
Let the Twittering begin, y'all.


Heather said...

I understand HOW to use Twitter, I'm just still debating if my life is interesting enough to get it. Maybe it is. Maybe it would be a good incentive to MAKE it more interesting.

Sissy said...

You are the second blog this week encouraging Twitter! Are you getting some advertising dollars? :) And I have no lame excuse, but I don't think you really want to hear about my day. Although, I did buy cute shoes at Rack Room last night. Buy One, Get One 50% off. Gotta love two pairs of shoes for $32.

Debbie said...

You must go over to Stretch Marks...I just found her this week from Heather. She is so much like funny and smart, and she just posted about the EXACT same thing. So I was thinking of doing it since I saw it on your site...Although my day isn't interesting either...yet, blogging is about the mundane right??? Have fun with your sweetie tonight

Insane Mama said...

I just don't get the twitter thing

Ker said...

Bah... Twitter... I'm not sure I'm sold on it yet. Seems awful time consuming. But I totally understand your stalker tendencies... I have those, too :)