When in sunny Jamaica, one looks forward to lots of beach lounging, conch eating, and fruity drinks with expertly placed umbrellas swimming atop. And lots of sunshine, Caribbean waves, and indoor sports. (Yeah, I said it.)
But when the sky darkens and the clouds fill in Jamaica (or as the locals refer it it, "liquid sunshine") one can allow it to dampen spirits, as well as beach towels and flip-flops. Last October we spent a week in Montego Bay with our dear friends, Scott & Suzanne, and while there chose to ride out the frequent downpours with fun, games, and a particular book we always pack on trips.
Here's my Scott with Suzanne...riding out a storm on the porch of our suite:
They're both going to kill me for posting this picture, but that's not the point. (Also not the point, but it bears mentioning--Suzanne looks so much like Insane Mama that it freaks me out! In a good way, of course. Hard to tell in this picture, but one day I'll post a side-by-side comparasion.)
The point is that while Scott and Suzanne are sitting in the shelter, Scott and I (the other Scott, that is) are across from them, reading questions from the book If...(Questions for the Game of Life) by Evelyn McFarlane & James Saywell.
It's so fun, y'all! This little book is full of questions meant to be asked in any kind of setting or situation, but it's most fun when shared amongst friends. Such as:
*If you could realize a dream that you have had while asleep, what dream would you pick? (That's easy...the one I had the other night about Edward Cullen. Ahem.)
*If you had to select the most beautiful face in history, whose face would you pick? (Again, easy...Grace Kelly. Or my late Memaw. Or my husband.)
*If you could make a sequel to any movie you have ever seen, which one would it be? (Oh, please...The Goonies, hands down. They'd go on an adventure as adults, sans Sloth, may he rest in peace.)
We've spent hours playing the If game with some of our best friends, and the answers given are always funny and thought-provoking, and more times than not, the responses spark fascinating conversations perfect for passing rain-soaked hours in the Caribbean. Or in your own home, of course. Or while in the drive-through at Sonic. (Which we don't have in our little mountain town, but whatever.) Or while waiting on your hibachi chef to commence with the chopping and sizzling and entertaining already.
Because I think we should all be playing a page from the book of If, here's a question for y'all:
*If you could be on the cover of any magazine next month, which magazine would you want it to be, and what would the caption read?
My answer? It's a toss-up between People--"Finally Thin!" and Sci-Fi Magazine--"Southern Belle Revels In Her Geek Status!"
OK, and maybe Rolling Stone, with the caption being, "Southwest Virginian Wife & Mother Produces Oscar-Nominated, Chart-Topping Soundtrack." And then I'd love for Scott and I to be on the cover of Home Life: "God Did This!"
So I never play by the rules...I can't pick just one. And if Brad & Angelina can be on multiple publication covers every week, so can I. This is my blog and my dream, thankyouverymuch.
Play along with me, y'all. I won't even pretend that I'm not nosey in the least bit.
p.s. Christmas in July winner announced tomorrow, y'all. I can hardly stand it! Woo-wooooo!