...oh where, oh were can she beeeeeeeee?
I have not abandoned Lulaville. Life just takes precedence over blogging. Y'all understand, I know.
In my absence, I made a list, titled "Things I Didn't Blog About in the Month of June...Because I'm Too Busy."
My child finished 1st grade.
Award day at her school--Poppy & Caroline came to applaud.
Q: How many Litton Ladies can fit in one car?
A: All of them.
(Thank God Mandy and I were up front!)
This man that I love had a birthday.
He's the big 36!
He is also a big dork. Clearly.
We may or may not be the products of
These pictures are from
That One Night We Wasted An Evening Playing with Photobooth.

Amanda and Kristi--representing good ol' LU!
And that's me with the five-head. The alumnus. Ahem.
I don't know if they were slipin' & slidin', wrestling,
or playing leap frog.
Regardless, it's awfully cute.
If someone mentions they're not watching True Blood,
I beg, "Why?" And, "Are you foolish?" Well, duh!

Um, hello...Eric is my vamp boyfriend.
He's making my summer very delightful, just so you know.
I'm gonna spend the week playing catch-up...as I've missed all of you.
So tell me...whatcha been up to the past week? Got any news to share? Did you survive yet another year of VBS? (That's Vacation Bible School--ours was last week--which explains 50% of my absence. VBS is serious business, folks. ) Have you been swimming? Seen any good movies? Read any must-reads? Please share with me...we'll play catch-up together.
Good times.
Wow, am I really 1st?
I guess I am. Anyway, I have missed ya but glad to hear you have had a wonderful June. It sure looks like it. As you know, the focal point of our June was Charley's Crab and HHI. Oh, and of course Tristan graduating from Pre-K.
This past week has been just about getting over the post vacation blues & trying to maintain a vacation attitude at home. AND I made the best ever oven baked fried chicken.
(I think I will be making those dates this weekend for July 4th!!!!!!!!!) Hugs!
love the catch up blog.
i went to a party that didn't start till midnight. i'm too old for that
Glad you are back :)
My kiddos LOVED VBS this year! I on the other hand used that time to finish up Wedding invites and start packing for the big move.
Regarding "vamps" my girlfriend has got the Twilight Series ready for me to read. I will let ya'll know.
Been swimming lots. Broke my toe. Doctor wants to turn Richard over to Hospice starting asap. I'm not ready for that. Love you.
Let's see...
Went swimming with the redhead and baby Jack, watched some tv and tried to stay out of the heat, had a girls night and saw The Proposal - freakin' hilarious!, played with our little neighbor in the sprinkler, did VBS (W loved it!), and gained 7 lbs in one month.
Oh, and btw, I'm pregnant.
I haven't been swimming enough. I've been working my butt off. Ending each day frustrated b/c I didn't get enough done. Thinking, always thinking about what else I have to do. We are re-doing our pool so in 2.2 weeks it better be spectacular so that I can spend the rest of the summer laying on my neck on the side of the pool, or in it.
I'm not watching True Blood because we don't get HBO! I might have to get it on DVD.
Yeah, survived VBS, but hubby may now be looking for a new job soon. Church politics are just a little to stinkin' petty for me when our brothers and sisters in Christ are dying for their faith in the Middle and Far East. I'm not just a little bitter right now.
Call me....:) or I'll call you. Girl....it's bad.
I've been neglecting my house & yard so that I can read more. Now I'm reading The Help based on Kat's recommendation...although I have also started the Sookie Stackhouse series b/c I cannot wait week to week to find out whats going to happen.
Although the book is a bit different...so I'll keep watching to be sure I don't miss anything.
Movies? Hangover - honest to god, my cheeks hurt from laughing after I saw that. Books - I just finished Guernsay Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I know it's on your list. If you haven't, YOU MUST READ IT! Right now, I'm reading a YA sci-fi book called Zoe's Tale. So far, so good. TV - We don't have HBO, so we just started True Blood through Netflix. I have to confess, the first couple of episodes didn't really hook me, but I'm going to keep going because I hear the third is when things really get good.
Other than that, the party kept me so BUSY last week. The good news is that I bullied my husband into doing so many projects that have been languishing and now our house is all purdy. The bad news is that my pointer finger is still kindof numb from my spray painting project. I'm starting to get a little worried.
welcome back! :) Looks like you had a fun time though, the pictures are great!!
Know whatcha mean, girlie.
We have been swimming and riding lots of rides at Kings Island. I have been working way too many hours. Joe and I are getting ready to run off for two days and leave the kids with Kay (yes, I know you're jealous).
The first episode of Trueblood was a bit disappointing. But then they totally redeemed themselves with Eric's new do and track outfit. Oh.my.word.
I have missed you. We have less than a month 'til we see each other again!
(Those pics are adorable. You Litton ladies are amazing!)
C'monna my house, my house - I'm gonna give you candy...C'monna my house my house I'm giving away something fun!!
your pictures are precious!
I have to wait for DVD for HBO series'..
Sounds like June was eventful!
We are at the pool daily. My arms are eaten alive by the noseeums there.
VBS was last week. The last year Katie could go...and she chose to do swim team instead. We have had swim meets and tennis practice. I swear I don't know how I managed to get so scheduled this summer.
And True Blood. OMG...last week's episode with Eric in his foils. I love him!
Miss ya girl. Gotta get a date on the calendar to hang...
My girls did VBS last week. They had a blast!
I just started watching TrueBlood via Netflix and I tell ya..I do NOT talk with that twang like Sookie/Suki (however you spell it)..just so you know. That's all I have in the gripe department for that show, how they portray Louisianians...oh and the fact that vampires are such an every day common thing...yeah, that sorta weirded me out too.
Those mutated pictures made me laugh out loud. So funny!
And I do not watch True Blood. #1 because it looks scary. #2 Because I think it's one of those HBO shows I hear so much about.
And lastly I don't think I've ever seen a car filled with a cuter bunch of girls. I just LOVE that blond!!
I agree, it is sad to not watch True Blood--but what's a girl without HBO to do? Fun fact: The author of the book series graduated from my college! I just discovered this, so I felt like sharing.
I'm missing your blog, but real life and your precious family are always more important. Go enjoy living! And update when you can. :)
Same old same old around here. It's finally starting to heat up and feel like summer which is nice. Your crazy face pictures were a hoot, and such pretty little girls in all the other shots.
Right now I'm reading Stephanie Plum: One For the Money. Hilarious so far. Have you read those?
My June has been filled with Birthdays and weddings and family oh and the beach. Its all good.
You make me wish that we had HBO.
June has never been so busy for us ... drama cast party, wrapping up the end-of-the-year homeschool stuff, another party for something, a homeschool group swim party, kicking off a book/movie club (we're reading Jane Eyre right now!), a death in the family, mother-in-law selling house to move closer to us, father-in-law visiting for the entire month, another party for another something (can't remember), BBQs every weekend because someone is visiting, hubby out of town for business, me going crazy holding down the fort by myself, harvesting apricots and peaches, our 19th wedding anniversary (that we both forgot ... yes, it happens), and did I mention it's 109 degrees today? Holy crap!
Well ... you asked! But it's all good ... wouldn't trade it for the world!
I haven't seen one epi of True Blood... don't have HBO :(
We survived two weeks of VBS... first week at the church Shane & the girls go to and then the next week was at the church my SIL goes to.
Have not yet seen any of the summer movies that I want to see. Although, Angie & I have plans to see The Proposal on Wednesday.... can we say "Amen for mom-dates!"
Just started reading Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict... only a few chapters in, but so far it's good.
We leave for a week in FL on Saturday. I have so many things to do this week, I'm thisclose to just losing my ever-lovin' mind...
Dude. I feel like I am the only person ever who hasnt seen True Blood.
"It hurts so good." Yes, Eric, I'm sure it does. Because any man who walks around in foils to rip a man in half and would wear a Fila track suit into Forever 21 is my lover.
Yes, he is. We will share him because he is undead enough to take it.
It looks like the Litton family summer is off to quite a start!! I love Lib's firecracker outfit. I hope she got to keep it. We always got to keep our dance costumes when I was little, but Emma didn't get to keep hers. I was bummed.
Sounds like you've busy busy and that I lead a most boring life!! Glad you are having fun! I used to love VBS!!
I'm with ya! I am totally blogless the last few weeks. I blame it on traveling 3 long weekends out of the last five. Which is absolutely true, but I am sad and miss all my bloggy friends and hearing what's up with everyone. This summer is absolutely flying by!!
Your pics are great and listen - it's much more important that you get out there and enjoy the summer. We understand if you don't blog about it till later!
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