A lot of people don't want to read political stuff on non-political blogs. Well, tough crap. I'm putting this out there because it frightens me on so many levels. If this man is elected, I weep for the safety & security of this country. He might as well fly a big ol' banner across the rest of the world..."Come one, come all to the defenseless United States of America! We're just waiting for YOU to attack!"
Also, my dear friend, Vicki, blogged today about last night's "Compassion Forum" on CNN, featuring the Democratic candidates & their views on such "hot button" issues as abortion, stem cell research, global warming, etc. Vicki's post is a must-read, and is both well-written and throught provoking. With her permission I am linking it here. (Click on the "Compassion Forum Page" link highlighted in the very first post.)I will not issue a warning to those of you liberals who read this blog because it's more than evident by now that I am radically conservative. Yes, I have friends (and family!) who are left-wingers and this is mighty fine and dandy with me...choice and personal opinion are wonderful rights we are given as Americans. But as I always say...it's my blog and I'll post as I want to!
Finally, nothing irritates me more than fence-riders, particularly those in the public eye. The Democratic position is historically pro-abortion. (Yes, I know there are Democrats who are pro-life, just as there are Republicans who are pro-choice. I am fully aware of this, peeps...settle down!) So for Obama to claim the preciousness of live one minute only to espouse the right of choice the very next...yeeeeeeesh, it just gets all over me like a bad case of poison ivy. That I can't scratch away. Itch-itch-itch. Where's the Calamine for that?
For the record, I used to be pro-choice, even after becoming a Christian. I was of the notion, "Well, I love God and all, but the government has no right to interceed on the behalf of my body! Yeah, abortion is bad but it's not my place to determine what some woman does with her body." (Spoken like a true Democrat...sorry, couldn't resist.) My parents taught me better than that, folks. (Love you, Mama & Dad--I truly do!) And my Father taught me better, too...if I claim to be His, then all of me is His. It's not my body...it's His. 1 Corinthians 6:20 tells me that I was bought at a price (Jesus' death on the Cross for me), and that I am to honor God with my body. Psalm 24:1 reminds me "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it..." Making my point here, folks. Obama, are you listening? Well, clearly no...but that's a fact and that's the end of the story. Got it?
Off the political soapbox now. To quote Vicki a while back, "Fluff to come tomorrow!" Easy reading for my Lulaville peeps, I promise! But you know...every now and then I get passionate about something and I fully credit God for sparking the fire within. Besides, it all comes from Him anyway...
This dude really could seriously be the antichrist. He reeks of what my pastor has been talking about. Fortunately we won't know until we're outta here. I can't imagine what will happen to this country if we eliminate our preventative defense measures. I'm gonna find guns, find God and find a hole in the ground in the mid-West...
Well spoken, I do not think I could add anymore to this! I, too, am afraid of Obama and fear that we do not know enough about him other than what he has said recently while campaigning. You, go daughter as you have a right to speak your mind!
I could not agree with you more!
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