When I was much younger and spent my summers visiting family in Mississippi, I used to wish and dream that I'd marry a handsome prince with an enormous royal family. My own family was very small, and I use the term "was," as almost all of them are long departed. So I'd wish and hope for a big brood of my own one day, specifically a daughter or two with whom I could pass down my love of all things girly. God made this come true (except the royalty part!), and living in my husband's hometown, surrounded by most of his immediate family, has been such a blessing. Libbey in particular looks up to her "big girl" cousin, Emma, who is 10 years old.
I first met Emma when she was a baby and her cousin Scotty and I were dating. When we married she was only 2 years old and unable to make the trip to Georgia, so I missed her presence enormously. (Big brother, John David, was our ring bearer, though!)
Libbey first met her "big girl" cousin when she was a mere 4 weeks old, and I still remember this bit of preciousness as if it were yesterday.
The follwing year we'd returned to southwest Virgina and I decided Libbey would be socuteIcouldjusteatherup as a lil' leopard for her second Halloween. We met at GeGe's house that evening, and to our surprise Emma was dressed as a feisty cat, too! (Libbey, age 21 months, Emma, 5 1/2)
Independence Day 2004 found us swimming the afternoon away in Pat and Stephanie's pool. (Stephanie is yet another "big girl" cousin--she's Daddy's age, though!) We arrived at the Potter home and discovered Emma & Libbey had the exact same swimsuits from Gymboree. All this really means is that Aunt Lisa and I have fabulous taste!
I have no idea why, but we never thought to photograph the girls together during Libbey's first two dance recitals. Last year I found a clue (rare for me, I know!) and snapped away. Those Litton girls are certainly photogenic.
This year I held onto the clue discovered last year and took several shots of the girls together. Watching them grow, in age, stature, and in their friendship, has been sheer joy. Emma performed in her 7th recital, while Libbey reached "pro" status with her 4th.
Last night we embarked on a new journey...Emma slept over for the very first time. What do a 6 year old and a 10 year old "big girl" do on their late night together? Seriously? Do you have to ask? They watched High School Musical 2. And sang along to every word of every song, while munching on two bowls of popcorn.
Following the movie they had big plans, because who wants to go to bed early? They painted suncatchers, comparing each other's artistic abilities. What's a little arts and crafts at 11 pm, I ask you? When it came time for eventual sleep, The Child With Minor Bedtime Anxiety tells her father, "We can put ourselves to bed, Daddy." Oh...I see...all it takes to avoid 20 questions and repeated requests to "check on me in 10 minutes, please!" is her "big girl" cousin's presence on the other side of the bed. Emma--please spend every night with us, honey.
I am taking pictures with my heart of this special time, because I know in the near future Emma will truly be a "big girl," and their common bond of Justice clothing, American Girl dolls, Vera Bradley bags, HSM 2 & Hannah Montana, and just playting together will come to an end. Emma will be a teenager in a few years, and while I know without a doubt in my heart she will always make a point to spend time with Libbey (and Caroline, of course!), she will also start living life as a young adult . And Libbey will still be a little girl for a few more years. Libbey's 6th birthday--the bowling twosome!
So for now, I will let them have sleepovers whenever they want. They can paint suncatchers 'til the sun comes up and this Mama will forgo sleep in order to make that happen. They can turn into mermaids in the pool, play with each other's hair, and Emma can allow Libbey to talk her head off, as per usual. I'm thankful for our Miss Emma Katherine. I'm grateful we live less than 5 minutes from her front door. I know her "little girl" cousins, especially Libbey, feel the same. (Emma's 10th birthday, with Caroline.) Can't you feel this love?
Those 2 are absolutely adorable! And yes, I can feel the love. :-)
First thing, what were you doing up at 4:00 am posting??? Second..this was really really sweet! My kids are with their cousins at my parents house as we speak. The cousins are visiting from Florida and are in absolute heaven being able to spend the night with them and their grandma and papa. So fun! And I get peace and quiet while Bob is golfing and I am getting ready to lunch with the girls....my real life friends that is ;) Enjoy your weekend!
Made me warm and fuzzy and sad. Warm and fuzzy because it is so important to have a strong bond with family and sad that I don't have it.
How precious! What adorable little blond girls. You are so lucky to have the cousins right in town.
Those girls will always remember the fun times together, even when they have children of their own. I remember all the fun I had with my "twin brother"--my 4 months younger cousin Paul. :)
4AM POSTING?!?! Am I going to have to tie you up every night like I do with Insane Mama?
Those girls ae so cute!!! They look like they could be sisters. Having nearby family is the BEST!
I just found your blog and thought I would say "Hi" since I'm from Mississippi. Your post was really lovely, by the way.
I had a relationship like that with my cousin... It only slipped away for a few years when she was a teenager and I was an annoying little girl, but our relationship came right back, and we are still tight as ever. So sweet and adorable!
Love the pics. I have a secret....I watched HSM2 last night and there were no children awake!!! Troy is such a cutie-pie! I just can't help myself. When he sings Bet On It, I'm reminded of my Footloose days! I can't wait to see the new version, starring him! It's amazing that the hotties just keep getting younger! What's up with that?
Don't tell Bad Mommy because she may get pissed at me for this... but, we should arrange a marriage with one of those girls and one of my boys... in about 30 years or so.
They are beautiful girls!!!
Little girls are so precious and sweet. Enjoy every minute with them, because in a blink of an eye they are 18 and going away to college or 23 and married and living 4 hours away!
So, so sweet!
Hang on to it... family is such a treasure.
Those pictures of Emma and Libbey are so adorable. I know Emma will be a teenager in about 3 years, so let them be together as much as possible. I feel they will always have a strong bond no matter how old they get. Love of your family is so strong...
This is too precious. I have a TON of cousins, and I know even with age difference during the teen years, later on it turns around again. : )
I would like to point out to you that I now have "We're All In This Together...wildcats in the house!" stuck in my head. And as with all things High School Musical - I'd say The Wildcats are here to stay in my brain for a few more days of musical mayhem. ; )
Thanks for the comment love! I love the way Sits has linked us all together. Cant wait to read more, and see more pictures of some of the cutest girls I've ever seen!
Libby and The Boy are going to have the cutest babies EVER. And, he had that same crazy hair.
Really, she is GORGEOUS.
I cannot believe Mrs. R has broken the sacred trust of our arranged marriage. She will lose out on the sweet dowry of two goats and a chicken. Sucks for her.
I love that the girls are so close! They'll have memories that they'll cherish forever.
So sweet. Hold on to this as long as you can.
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